The Hippo Who Had the Hiccups《爱打嗝的河马》

2023-07-14 19:28:3506:53 699

The Hippo Who Had the Hiccups

by Christine Beigel

"Mama, mama! Did you hear that?"

"Hmm... What?"

"The sound, there... that rumbling."

"That's nothing. It's just a normal sound.

One of my friends, a hippo, always had hiccups at nood and at night.

Hum... It's a story."

One minute to noon, the ground was going to shake.

Animals fastened their seat belts, and plugged their ears with bundles of celery.

They knew that the hippo would get hiccups at noon.

The hippo's hiccups were much more than just that.

This hippo was a thunderous guy.

And moreover, he always said, "Hic-burp!"

Well that was really annoying!

One day, a stork was making an important flight.

She was delivering an express parcel.

But she had forgotten to put on her helmet, she was wearing a bathing cap instead.

Suddenly, she heard the loud hiccup from the hippo, "Hic-burp!"

Startled, the stork cried, "Aaaaaaaah!"

"Aaaaaaaaah!" is not like "Hiiiiii!"

When we cry "Aaaaaaaah," we open our mouth wide, like this, look, "Aaaaaaaaah!"

When the stork opened her beak that held a parcel, the parcel dropped.


At that moment, the hippo did not hiccup anymore, the was yawning now.

The hippo opened his enormous mouth, much bigger than the beak of the stork, like this...

And then...

