appearance, aspect, air, complexion, presence

2020-07-23 20:24:2304:14 232

the way something or someone looks or seems on the outside 外表,样子
// His bushy black beard gave him a fierce appearance. 他的胡子又浓又黑,看上去很凶。
// The general appearance of the house is quite good. 这房子的总体外观相当不错。
// The museum restored the painting to its original appearance. 博物馆把这幅画恢复了原貌。


Aspect is the way a thing appears or seems 状况,外观
// We were shocked by the burnt aspect of the land after the bushfire. 看到被林区大火烧过的地面状况,我们感到震惊。
// He has the aspect of a man used to giving orders and seeing them obeyed 他有一种习惯于下达命令并看到他们服从命令的样子

Air can be the way something looks or seems. It is very similar to appearance and aspect 风度,意思和appearance,aspect很相似
// The rich business woman has an air of success. 那位富有的女商人具有一种成功的风度。
// an air of dignity 庄重的神态

Complexion can be very similar to appearance and aspect. It can usually be used in the same way 外观,样子,可以表示和 appearance,aspect 非常相似的意思,通常可以同样使用
// A fresh coat of yellow paint gave the room a completely different complexion. 房间新涂了一层黄色油漆后,外观完全不同了。
// All of the children had healthy complexions. 所有的孩子都有健康的肤色。

Presence can mean your personal appearance or your way of doing things 在场或做事的方式
// The grand presence of the princess made us feel very unimportant. 有公主大驾在场,让我们感到自己无足轻重。
// Lakshmi has been a graceful, gamine presence on American TV screens for almost 15 years now, so familiar from her Top Chef duties that the significance of Taste the Nation feels almost underplayed.
— Sophie Gilbert, The Atlantic, "Padma Lakshmi’s New Food Show Is a Trojan Horse," 8 July 2020

similar word: manner

aspect - Did You Know?

Since aspectus in Latin means "looked at", an aspect of something is basically the direction from which it's looked at. So we may say that travel is your favorite aspect of your job, or that eating well is one aspect of a healthy life. If you look at a stage set from the front, it looks completely different than from behind, where all the mechanisms are visible, and both aspects are important. The word can be very useful when you're analyzing something, and it's used a great deal in the writings of scholars.

