A Baby Bumblebee for Mommy 大黄蜂宝宝

2020-08-20 22:01:2502:24 1478

Characters:Narrator, Susie, Mrs. Chan, Mr. Ruiz, MommySetting:A city street; a houseNarrator: Susie saw a baby bumblebee sitting on a flower.Susie: Look! A baby bumblebee!Susie: I will take home the baby bumblebee. I will show it to Mommy.Narrator: Susie picked up the baby bumblebee. Soon she passed Mrs. Chan.Susie: Hi, Mrs. Chan. Look!Mrs. Chan: What is that?Susie: It is a baby bumblebee!Mrs. Chan: Oh, no! The bee will sting you!Susie: No, not this bee. It is a baby.Mrs. Chan: Be careful. I am scared of bumblebees.Narrator: Then Susie passed Mr. Ruiz.Susie: Hi, Mr. Ruiz. Look!Mr. Ruiz: What is that?Susie: It is a baby bumblebee!Mr. Ruiz: Oh, no! The bee will sting you!Susie: No, not this bee. It is a baby.Mr. Ruiz: Be careful. I am scared of bumblebees.Susie: I like my baby bumblebee. Won’t my mommy be so proud of me?Narrator: Soon, Susie was home with her bee.Susie: Mommy, look!Mommy: What is that?Susie: A baby bumblebee!Mommy: Take it outside! It will sting you!Susie: No, not this bumblebee. It is a baby.Mommy: Take it outside.Susie: Yes, Mommy.Narrator: So Susie took the baby bumblebee outside and ...Susie: Ouch! It stung me! Ouch!Narrator: But it was only a baby bee sting.

