20200829 - 千万不要小看外表傻萌的鸵鸟哦 - 笔记讲解

2022-09-09 23:15:2541:13 472

标题:They may look goofy, but ostriches are nobody's fool!

文章节选自2020年9月National Geographic


Most of us happily get by on a single cartoonish idea about ostriches: They’re the big birds that bury their heads in the sand in times of crisis, supposedly thinking that if they can’t see danger, danger can’t see them.

    In our ragbag of stereotypes, ostriches have thus become the quintessential dim-witted animals. Even the Bible says they’re dumb, and bad parents too.

   The head-in-sand idea is a threadbare, 2,000-year-old hand-me-down from the Roman naturalist Pliny, who sometimes passed on tall tales. Think about it. Ostriches have long, bony legs, a torso held aloft like a great floating raft of flesh and feathers, and a neck like a periscope, topped by a wedge-shaped head with eyes bigger than an elephant’s, at a height of up to nine feet. It is an unlikely design for head-burying.



<a.> If you describe someone or something as goofy, you think they are rather silly or ridiculous. 愚笨的 [非正式]


...a goofy smile.





      Goofy这个单词在VOA英语里曾经提到过:Goofy means several things. It can mean silly, funny, crazy or stupid. Or a little bit of all of those things combined. Generally, it's not very negative.

      我也在网上查了一下,很多国外网友都认为being called goofy is sometimes a good thing. 有时候可能是别人觉得你傻得很可爱,或者是性格比较有趣幽默。但同时也有些国外网友觉得如果有人说他goofy,他会觉得自己被冒犯了。所以还是要看场合和前后文才能判断别人说goofy到底是贬义还是褒义啦。比如在本文中,说鸵鸟‘they may look goofy’,我觉得是贬义褒用, “它们看上去傻笨傻笨的”,除了有说鸵鸟是真笨这个意思之外(对的,下面会介绍为什么说鸵鸟笨),还有隐藏着觉得鸵鸟萌萌哒的意思在里面。


1.    鸵鸟

2.    用鸵鸟皮做成的皮革

3.    像鸵鸟一样逃避现实的人——(因为相信鸵鸟喜欢把头埋进沙子里让别人看不见自己)用来形容某些面对危险和困难时逃避面对的人。

nobody’s fool


     Nobody一般是“没有人”的意思,fool是傻子、被愚弄的人、被骗的人。Nobody’s fool直译感觉就是“没有人是笨蛋”、“谁也不是傻子”,“不那么容易被愚弄”,甚至还有人翻译成“大智若愚”。其实意思就是说某人是个精明的、不容易被占便宜的,或者阅历丰富的人。

例句:He may look a bit simple with his big round eyes and boyish features, but John is nobody's fool.



get by

If you can get by with what you have, you can manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way. 勉强过活; 勉强对付过去。但英文释义里最后写到“in a satisfactory way”,感觉这种“勉强”里面其实还是带着满意的意味。


cartoonish idea [kɑːrˈtuːnɪʃ]

cartoonish是cartoon的形容词。意思是:characteristic of or resembling a cartoon, especially in being unrealistically simplified and involving humorous exaggeration. 具有漫画的或类似漫画的特点,尤指不现实地简化和包含幽默的夸张。在柯林斯字典的解释里,cartoonish也有肤浅的、幻想的意思。

     所以,cartoonish idea就是自己想象出来的看法、不现实的想法、肤浅的看法等等的意思。本文中,就是说“鸵鸟把头埋进沙子里躲避危险”是一种不切实际的想法。



<n.>单数 A ragbag of things is a group of things which do not have much in common with each other, but which are being considered together. 大杂烩


[美]hodgepodge [ˈhɑːdʒpɑːdʒ],也是非正式用法。

例句:This box is a hodgepodge of books, old toys and things.


The region became a hodgepodge of languages and dialects, some from the east, some from the south, and some from other countries entirely.



[英]hotch-potch [ˈhɒtʃpɒtʃ] 杂乱无章的一堆东西 [英国英语] [非正式]

例句:...a hotch-potch of maps, small tools, and notebooks.



stereotype [ˈsteriətaɪp]

<n.> 成见;模式化形象;刻板印象

例句:In the United States, certain racial groups have been linked to stereotypes such as being good at math, athletics, and dancing.



例句:It’s not fair to stereotype a whole group of people based on one person you don’t like.  基于一个你不喜欢的人而对一整个群体产生成见是不公平的。



      这里我举一个比较著名的例子。在美国,大部分人都认为Asian Americans,即亚裔美国人群体是smart很聪明、good at math很擅长数学、hardworking很勤奋的、behave appropriately言行适当,不会过激。所以在社会学当中有一个专有名词来形容亚裔美国人的这种刻板形象——Model Minority。Model就是模范的,好的典型;minority就是少数族裔。Model Minority就是模范少数族裔。




quintessential  [ˌkwɪntɪˈsenʃl]


例句:This is the quintessential Los Angeles restaurant ,casual but never frumpy, lively but not overheated.




<a.> If you describe someone as dim-witted, you are saying in quite an unkind way that you do not think they are very clever. 愚蠢的 [非正式]


例句:Certainly, he could have applied his charms to some rich widow or dim-witted heiress long ago. 当然,他早就可以把他的魅力用在某个有钱的寡妇或愚蠢的女继承人身上了。


dumb vs. stupid

今天,dumb在美语中有stupid的意思。虽然我们查字典的时候会发现,dumb还有the inability to speak because of a congenital deafness,就是因为先天耳聋导致的无法说话,或者temporarily unable or unwilling to speak,暂时不能说话或者不想说话,比如被惊吓到失语,生气到说不出话来。但是,自从它有了“愚蠢”的意思并且十分流行之后,再用dumb来形容别人哑巴或者失语,总会让人联想到“愚蠢”,别人就可能觉得不太舒服。所以大家逐渐习惯不用dumb原有的意思了,而改用比较温和有礼的说法来形容别人哑巴或者耳聋,比如speech/hearing impaired。特别是在美国,如果你用dumb来形容某人不能说话,别人可能会觉得被冒犯了,就好像别人身高矮,你不能用dwarf来形容,因为这个词有侏儒的意思,别人听起来就会不舒服了。这些语言习惯算是有点political correctness(政治正确)的感觉了。毕竟,在美国总有些人动不动就说别人歧视他,侵犯他人权什么的。某些情况可能是真的歧视,但有些真是某些人自己神经敏感,太拿自己当回事儿啦~


例句:That was a really dumb thing to do. 那真是一件蠢事。

            How can you be so dumb? 你怎么能那么笨呢?


threadbare [ˈθredber]

这个词很容易理解。Thread就是丝线的意思,bare有露出、无遮挡的意思。两个单词组合在一起,字面意思就是“丝线露出来了”,这就是threadbare最原始的意思:形容(衣物、地毯等)破旧的; 磨薄的。是一个形容词。由此而来就引申出另一个意思,指(活动、想法、论点等)软弱无力的; 陈旧乏味的。

例句:the song was a tissue of threadbare clichés. 这首歌尽是些陈词滥调。



<a.> 传下来的;现成而价廉质次的

<n.> 传下来的东西;现成的廉价衣服;别人用过的传下来的东西









这里说的Pliny,指的是老普林尼,Pliny the Elder。他最著名的著作是《自然史》,Natural History。这本书是一部精确度不高的百科全书,但一直到中世纪都是科学问题上的权威。


tall tale


所谓的tall tale,有些是建立在真人真事的基础上创作出来的,但故事里的很多情节或者细节处理都被夸大甚至杜撰。有点类似中国的民间故事。

    因为tall tale一般内容都有些夸大其词,所以这个词组有时候也会用来指吹牛,说大话。

    在美国有一个tall tale是关于民间流传的苹果老约翰的故事,已经被迪士尼拍成了动画电影。主人公叫Johny Appleseed,中文好像翻译成强尼苹果籽,强尼就是约翰的另一种翻译……没办法,人家就真的姓苹果籽、名强尼,翻译人员估计也很无奈。故事是讲述苹果籽先生是一个种苹果的果农。他羡慕别人充满激情地去西部拓荒,而他担心自己只会种苹果,到了西部可能无法生存,这个时候,他的守护神蹦出来告诉他,苹果不仅仅是水果,它还可被做成各式各样的美味食物,苹果籽先生应该勇敢追寻自己的梦想。于是苹果籽先生顿悟了,从此踏上了永不停歇的在全美国土地上撒苹果籽种树的征途……为什么说永不停歇呢?因为苹果籽先生在这个tall tale里被描写成了永生不死。豆瓣的网友用一句话评论过这个故事:果农的拓荒传奇。

    其实这个故事是美化了美国西进运动,英文叫westward movement,也有人称为westward expansion。这个时期,大批东部的人进入西部地区,原住民印第安人遭到屠杀后被迫迁徙到更为荒凉的地区,他们的迁移之路也被称之为“血泪之路”。作为地球上几大人种之一的印第安人,现在几乎没剩多少了。



例句:The woman ' s story of survival after going 20 days without food sounds like a tall tale to me. 那个女人在没有食物的情况下存活20天的故事在我看来令人难以置信。

Geez ! some people can tell tall tales. 天啊!就是有人会瞎掰。


torso [ˈtɔːrsoʊ]

<n.>Your torso is the main part of your body and does not include your head, arms, and legs. 躯干 [正式]

例句:You must not compete in the cycle and run segment with a bare torso.  在自行车和跑步赛段不得裸露躯干。


aloft [əˈlɔːft]

<adv.> Something that is aloft is in the air or off the ground. 在空中 [文学性]

例句:The aromatic smoke of cooking fires floated lazily aloft.



raft    [ræft]   [rɑːft]



例句:This time we'll go rafting instead of hiking



periscope [ˈperɪskoʊp]

<n.> A periscope is a vertical tube that people inside submarines can look through to see above the surface of the water. 潜望镜


wedge-shaped [ˈwedʒ ˈʃeɪpt]

<adj.> 楔形的;V形的

楔形文字:cuneiform [ˈkjuːnɪfɔːrm]





       还有Urartian 乌拉尔图人(大部分字典都念[ʊˈrɑrdiən],只有一个念[ʊˈrɑrʃən])。时间关系,我就不发散了。


              楔形文字的消失是如此彻底,以至于古希腊人实际上都不知道它的存在,除了广泛旅行的希罗多德,在他的著作中十分顺便地提到了Assyria Grammata (“亚述字符”)。


head-burying   埋头



鸵鸟的Fun Fact锦集:

1.Ostriches are the largest and heaviest birds in the world!


2.Although they cannot fly, ostriches sure can run! They are the fastest-running birds, reaching speeds of up to 43 mph (70 km/h)! At this speed, they are the only animals that can outrun leopards!


3.Obviously, the amazing speed of the ostrich is helpful in outrunning predators, but the ostrich can also use its powerful legs to kick like a kangaroo. In fact, its kick is strong enough to kill a lion. Ostriches can also defend themselves with a 4-inch claw on each foot.


4.Ostrich brains are as big as a walnut and smaller than their eyes. They are not particularly intelligent, but with the largest eyeball of any bird, they can see as far as 2.2 miles (3.5 km). Zebras and ostriches often live together to protect each other from predators. The ostrich can see much better than the zebra, while the zebra can hear or smell danger better than the ostrich.


5. Ostriches are omnivores and they eat both vegetation and meat, even though they most commonly feed on plants such as roots, leaves, and seeds. Occasionally, they might eat snakes. locusts and small rodents too. However, because they don’t have teeth, ostriches also need to eat pebbles and sand to grind their food. On average an adult ostrich might carry as much as one kilogram of stones inside its stomach (and they still run fast!). The ability to grind food with stones offer to ostriches the possibilities to eat different kinds of food that other animals are not able to digest.

鸵鸟是杂食动物,它们既吃植物也吃肉,尽管它们最常见的食物是植物的根、叶和种子。偶尔,它们也会吃蛇。还有蝗虫和小型啮niè齿动物。然而,因为它们没有牙齿,鸵鸟需要吃卵石(A pebble is a small, smooth, round stone which is found on beaches and at the bottom of rivers)和沙子来磨碎它们的食物。平均来说,一只成年鸵鸟的胃里可能会有多达一公斤的石头(而且它们仍然跑得很快!)这种能用石头磨碎食物的能力使鸵鸟有可能吃到其他动物无法消化的各种食物。

Ostriches do have three stomachs and an abnormally long intestine which requires at least 36 hours to digest the food ingested. The three stomachs all serve different functions. The glandular stomach takes the role of the missing gall bladder and empties into a muscular stomach which is called “ventriculus”. The ventriculus is where the stones and pebbles they eat to break down food are stored. From here, the food is then passed to the small intestine. You can see now why this long and complex process needs such a long time! For this reason, unlike the rest of the bird species, who store urine and feces together, ostriches secrete urine separated from feces. The scientific community is not very clear about the reason for such a complex digestive system. It might be to process the stones and pebbles ingested or to allow ostriches to survive with minimal calorie intake.

鸵鸟有三个胃,还有异常长的肠道,至少需要36个小时才能消化食物。每个胃都有不同的功能。食物通过一个有腺体的胃(这个胃扮演着胆囊的角色,因为鸵鸟没有胆囊),被排入肌肉发达的胃,被称为“ventriculus砂囊”( [venˈtrɪkjələs] the gizzard of a bird (鸟的)砂囊”)。砂囊是储存它们用来分解食物的石头和卵石的地方。然后,食物从这里被传递到小肠。现在您可以看到为什么这个漫长而复杂的过程需要这么长的时间了!正因为如此,鸵鸟不像其他鸟类那样将尿液和粪便储存在一起,而是跟我们一样,尿液与粪便是分开排出的。

Ostriches are the only living birds that pee and poo separately.



6.These bulky birds will also withstand not having to drink water for days at a time. This means that they are ideal for withstanding the heat. Ostriches can tolerate temperature differences of 104 F (40 C)! They prosper in climates between 86 F and -22 F (30 C and -30 C).

However, an ostrich will often enjoy taking a bath or two in water if available!


7.Ostriches can live up to the age of 70 years, with 50 being typical. 鸵鸟可以活到70岁,一般能活到50岁。

8.The ostrich male roars like a lion! 雄性鸵鸟可以像狮子一样吼叫。

9. Ostriches are incredibly territorial. Male birds will often headbutt each other in fights over females. Fights won’t last long on the whole, but they are often fatal – to the victor go the spoils!


10.When a pair of ostriches bearing the young meets another pair, the parents will fight and the winning pair will be parents of both pairs’ offspring. It has been reported that the biggest group of ostriches contains 300 offspring!




All of the herd’s hens put their eggs in one basket. The giant eggs are the largest of any living bird at 15cm long and weighing as much as two dozen chicken eggs, though they are actually the smallest eggs relative to the size of the adult bird.


The eggs are incubated by the dominant female by day (her drab colors blend in with the sand) and by the male at night (his black feathers make him nearly undetectable in the dark). The communal nest may end up containing as many as 60 eggs!


Eggs hatch after 35–45 days incubation, and the male usually defends the chicks and teaches them to feed, although mums and dads cooperate in rearing the young.


11.Ostriches don’t bury their heads in the sand! This myth probably began from the bird’s defensive way of lying low at the approach of trouble and pressing themselves to the ground to try to be less visible. Their feathers blend well with sandy soil and, from a distance, they may look like they’ve buried their heads in the sand.


12.During the 18th century, the French queen, Marie Antoinette, popularized the fashion of wearing a feather in one’s hat. Women searched for the most beautiful feathers, leading them to the ostrich. Hunting these birds became a large-scale enterprise world-wide. Ostriches were on the verge of extinction, but then a savior came—the automobile. Ostrich feathers flowed beautifully when ladies pranced around on horses. But in the automobile, the feathers became a mess. And so the fashion fell out of use, thus saving the ostrich!

18世纪,法国女王玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)使帽子上插羽毛这一时尚流行起来。女人到处寻找最美丽的羽毛,最后发现鸵鸟的羽毛最漂亮。捕猎鸵鸟已成为一项全球性的大型事业,导致鸵鸟处于灭绝的边缘。汽车的出现拯救了鸵鸟。当女士们在马背上蹦蹦跳跳时,鸵鸟的羽毛美丽地飘动着。但是在汽车上,羽毛变得一团糟,反而成了累赘。于是这种时尚就不再流行了,鸵鸟也因此得救了!

The wild ostrich population has declined drastically in the last 200 years, with most surviving birds in protected game parks or reserves, or on farms.



