Old Letter in a Chimney

2020-09-03 01:06:1502:27 71

Today is August 16th, 2020. The news today is Old Letter in a Chimney.

Level 1

A boy writes to Father Christmas (Santa). He asks for some things in the letter. He puts the letter in his home’s chimney(烟囱). Father Christmas never gets the letter. It stays in the chimney.

Seventy-four years later, builders tear down(拆除) the chimney. They find the letter. They are surprised. They take a picture of it. They put the picture on Facebook.

An old man sees the picture. He contacts the builders. The old man is that little boy! It is his letter.

The old man meets the builders.The builders give him the things that he wanted from the letter.

 Level 2

Builders were tearing down an old chimney in a house in England when they found a letter. A little boy about 73 years ago addressed the letter to Father Christmas (Santa).

The boy wanted chalk(粉笔), house shoes, and any toy that Santa had to spare(分发). The builders were surprised to find this letter in the chimney. They also could see that children ask for a lot more these days.

The builders put a picture of the letter on Facebook. Surprisingly, the person who wrote the letter contacted them and met with them. The builders gave the old man what he wanted all those years ago.

 Level 3

Builders found a 74-year-old Christmas letter by accident in England when they were tearing down an old chimney. They said that they normally find old newspapers, matchboxes, cigarettes or boxes but nothing like this.

One of the builders posted a picture of the letter on Facebook to show how times have changed – kids today ask a lot more than just chalk, slippers(拖鞋) and any toy that Santa had to spare. Since the letter was online, the now-grown-up little boy who wrote the letter got in touch.

Although the boy’s letter may not have been answered all those years ago, the builders decided in the Christmas spirit to gift him those presents that he longed for when he was a little boy.




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