Growing Up! 我长大了!

2020-09-06 11:07:2102:10 779

Look how grown up I am. 看,我已经长大了。

I can wake myself each morning. 我每天早上都能把自己叫醒。

Oh, no! I am late! ,不好! 我该迟到了!

I can pack my own bag. 我可以自己收拾书包。

I can eat breakfast by myself. 我可以自己吃早餐。

I will have milk and cereal! 我要喝牛奶和麦片!

I can walk to school with my friends. 我可以和我的朋友步行去学校。

Let’s walk faster. I don’t want to be late. 我们走快一点。我不想迟到。

I can find my classrooms. 我能找到我的教室。

Wait, this is the music room. 等等,这是音乐室。

Which one is the art room? 哪个是美术室?

I can play soccer outside. 我可以在外面踢足球。

Hooray! I scored a goal! Our team will win. 万岁!我进了一个球!我们队会赢的。

I can paint with a paintbrush.我会用画笔画画。

Look at my painting. Isn’t it great?看我的画。是不是画的很好呢?

I can read a book to my baby sister. 我可以给我的妹妹读一本书。

Do you like this story?你喜欢这个故事吗?

I will read you one more book.我再给你读一本书。

Look how grown up I am! 看,我已经长大了!

I can go to bed alone.我可以一个人睡觉。

But I sleep with my teddy bear. 但是我和我的泰迪熊睡在一起。

Good night! 晚安!

