12 - Quiz

2023-08-19 20:45:3003:10 8026




Let's review the ten keywords you've just learned. Consider the following questions and decide whether the correct answer is yes or no. Answers appear on page 110.


1. Would a year-end bonus help defray your holiday expenses? 2. Is a garrulous or loquacious person also taciturn? 3. Is a terse speaker long-winded and tedious? 4. Would winning the lottery be a boon? 5. Is the aristocracy the opposite of the proletariat? 6. Is American society heterogeneous? 7. Will some people work for a pittance if the job is rewarding? 8. Is a glib speaker earnest and excited? 9. When you have a penchant for something, do you find it irritating or disagreeable? 10.Can you be solicitous about someone's health?
