001 Module1 Unit1 综合检测

2020-10-14 16:58:3818:51 382


(Text 1)

W: Could you drive me to the station quickly? I’m going to meet a friend at 10:00, but it’s 9:50 now.

M: I’ll try. But with such heavy traffic it will take at least 40 minutes.

(Text 2)

W: What did you do during the holiday?

M: Well, I helped my aunt in the grocery shop for two weeks. I helped carry boxes and put things on the shelves. Some of it was hard physical work, but I expected that when I started.

(Text 3)

M: So, how often do you all do things together as a family then, Tracey?

W: Oh, at least once a week. In fact, we’ve just finished doing up the kitchen. Now we’re decorating the house. We had lots of really big arguments about the color, but in the end, I got my way.

(Text 4)

W: I’d like to point out a couple of things before the sports events. If you’re not sure when your event starts, check the program with your teacher. And if there are any changes to the program, the teachers will tell you straight away.

M: Thanks. Anyway, luckily, there isn’t a cloud in the sky.

(Text 5)

W: Hi, Max. So you got into trouble in maths again for staring out of the window!

M: Mr. Drew knows what he’s talking about, and there are some interesting concepts, but unfortunately it’s all rather chaotic.

W: Yes, it takes him such a long time to get to the stuff we really need. His lesson could do with a bit more planning.

(Text 6)

M: Hello. I’d like to get a return ticket to Cambridge.

W: We have Saver Return, Standard Open Return and First Open Return. What kind do you want?

M: I want the cheapest one, please.

W: That’s Saver Return. It costs 27.20 pounds.

M: OK. And what time will it arrive in Cambridge? Do I need to change trains?

W: Yes, it is arriving in Cambridge at 2:20 pm. So you’ll need to change at King’s Cross.

M: Right, so leaving at 1:10 pm, changing at King’s Cross and arriving in Cambridge at 2:30 pm?

W: No. Arriving in Cambridge at 2:20 pm.

M: Thank you.  

(Text 7)

M: Have you learned about grey water?

W: No, I missed the lecture.

M: OK, so it’s the water we use in our houses, but not in the toilet. It can be recycled because it’s relatively clean. When it’s treated, it can be used for something like irrigation in gardens.

W: What about for laundry?

M: That’s a good example. I’ll need to look at different types of water treatment systems.

W: Where would you look first?
M: The Internet.

W: Oh, remember you’re likely to find a lot of inaccurate websites — you know, manufacturers want to advertise their brands. It might be better to use the Engineering library.

(Text 8)

M: Hi, been home long?
W: Yeah, quite a time.

M: Did anyone phone about renting the spare room?

W: Yeah, we’ve had two phone calls about it. The first one was called Phil Parrott. He’s just qualified and he teaches sports. He certainly sounded energetic, but he asked lots of questions about what sort of food we cook.

M: Well, we don’t exactly live on pizza, chips or takeaways.

W: He might be a bit health-conscious. But I think he’ll fit in well with the sort of life we lead. He said he needs a big room because he’s got lots of sports equipment.

M: Well, that’s OK. What about the second one?

W: He was called David Spencer. He is a lawyer. He’s quite a bit older than us. I got the impression that he is a hard-working kind of person who doesn’t go out all that much … Oh, one thing though, he said he wouldn’t be staying in the flat at weekends so he wants to pay reduced costs for rent. What do you think?

M: It sounds a bit complicated.

(Text 9)

W: Hello, I want to enquire about a job at the center.

M: Well, at present we’re looking for a part-time pool assistant. Have you done this sort of job before?

W: Oh, yes, I’ve spent the last three summers working for a children’s summer camp. So what does the job at the pool involve?

M: You’d mainly be responsible for watching the swimmers — we have to watch them all the time. Then you’d have to look after the equipment that’s used by the beginners. The attendant’s job does involve taking regular water quality tests, but you wouldn’t be involved in cleaning the pool or anything like that.

W: OK. The advertisement said you wanted someone just twice a week. Can I choose which days?

M: Er, if you’d rung up earlier you could have done that but I’m afraid it’s got to be Mondays and Wednesdays — we’ve got someone for Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the weekends are already fully staffed. Is that going to be a problem for you?

W: No, that should be alright. It is evening work, right?

M: Yes, you start at 6, and the pool closes at 9:30.

W: How much do you pay?

M: The basic hourly rate is $15, but we’d go up to $19 for someone with the right qualifications.
W: Well, I’ve got a life-saving certificate.

M: Oh, good.

(Text 10)

Come into the Visitor Center now. Over here you can see a picture of the original park when it was under construction. The land was donated to the city in 1955, but the park itself wasn’t built until 1979. Then there was a huge growth in the 1990s and we’re still growing today.

The kids loved the petting zoo with its farm animals, and in fact, that’s the only attraction to have survived until now. We’ve still kept a mine car and an adventure playground in an exhibition and it has no admission charge. I think we’re most famous for our roller-coasters. I guess you all have heard about the Hurricane. Some of our visitors think it’s not fast enough to be truly exciting, but we love it because it’s the highest wooden roller-coaster in the country. Then we have the Bobcat — that one’s a bit gentler for our younger children. And for the truly adventurous tourists, the Fly Machine makes you swing upside down and backwards at huge speeds. It’s important to remember that some rides have age guidelines, and to help you, there’s a color system. If the sign for a ride is yellow, it means it’s suitable for all ages. Blue means that children younger than 14 can ride only if an adult accompanies them. And black means that you must be at least 110 cm tall to ride, regardless of age.  















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