20The Impatient Queen—不耐烦的女王

2020-10-18 09:00:1912:55 69


the impatient queen
once upon a time in a kingdom far away
there lived a king trevor with his
lovely queen
helia trevor was loved by his entire
for being kind and just but his wife was
greatly despised
as she was extremely impatient
you're taking too long to braid my
hair i'm sorry highness
but this hairstyle is quite complex how
dare you
speak back to the queen leave this
palace at once
oh helia why did you do that
she was trying very hard she wasn't
quick enough
you must be patient love
at times the queen's impatience would
ruin the peace
and the poor king would hurriedly try to
recover the situation
helia you shouldn't have spoken to the
ministers that way
they were so slow with their words they
really need to speak faster
any faster and i wouldn't understand
here helia i've got something you love
lilies my favorite king trevor
wondered how to make his wife understand
to be patient
one day he roamed about pondering deeply
about helia i don't understand
she was so much nicer and kinder before
marrying me
yes she was impatient then too but now
it's just getting worse and it seems to
getting meaner she changed right after
becoming queen
what's that
a baby where did you come from
oh you poor thing let's take you home
seriously where is trevor he's been out
ages but it's only been 10 minutes
what did you just talk
back helia look i found a baby floating
in the stream
a baby but how did
a note to whoever
finds my baby please
take care of her
the couple were greatly baffled but the
king adored the little child
and decided to bring her up in the
you shall be named leanne
leanne was such a warm and loving child
and over the years soon grew to be a
lovely young woman
dear are you all right oh i am thank you
your highness
she is so kind don't you think she
should wear the legendary clown
hush if the queen hears you shall throw
more work less gossip you silly girl
indeed there was a special crown kept in
the palace
it was known that the crown would glow
and grant
magical powers to the person worthy of
but it hadn't glowed for many years this
had angered the queen one day
leanne mischievously started to examine
the entire palace
wandering around she came to a forbidden
wow this place sure is long
oh what's this huge door
she went and pushed the mysterious door
with all her might
oh that was so heavy
why is there a crown here as she stared
and drew closer the crown suddenly
to glow she was mesmerized by it
but was too scared to touch it i'd
better tell mother and father about this
father mother i just came from the
forbidden tower
leanne i've told you to stay away from
but there's a crown there and it glows
closed leanne told them all that had
it glowed oh i'm so happy for you
i don't understand
i'll tell you when you're a little older
while the king was ecstatic
the queen looked on angrily
that night she snuck out of the palace
and went to see a witch whom she knew
madam i know why you are here it's
because the crown has glowed hasn't
it what do i do
don't worry dary i've prepared this ring
for you
to put on your husband's finger the
inside will make him hate her and ruin
everything she makes him
touch healy and nodded and soon left the
the next day she went to her husband and
slipped the ring on his finger
oh what's this lovely thing
just a small gift from me
father mother king trevor glanced at
and winced the magic had already started
and her very voice irritated him
leanne speak softly oh
i'm sorry i just wanted you to taste
this cake i baked
it's so salty how could you give me
something like this
what um no it tastes sweet to me
and then she lies
the magic in the ring had caused the
sweet cake to taste otherwise
in the same way it ruined everything
that leanne gave the king
and made him hate leanne all the more
over the days poorly anne would find
ignored by the queen and hated by the
so after a while she would usually be
maybe they're having a difficult time
ruling the kingdom
i'll just stay out of their way until
they feel better
on one such lovely day she visited the
where the legendary crown lay it's a
pretty crown i wonder what it'll look
like on me
whoa it's really huh
what's happening i shall only be worn
by the worthy who who
are you i am the legendary crown
that answers whatever you wish to know
oh well there's only one thing i want to
and that's why are my parents so strange
and so the crown told liam everything
about the magic ring
and about her mother so my father
doesn't hate me it's just a spell
but my mother is after the crown
no it's not your mother who wants the
but the witch your mother is impatient
but she was still a wonderfully kind
the crown told leanne that the evil
witch had used helia's weakness
against her thus helia had been under
the witch's spell
all these years the witch wants to rule
the kingdom
through my powers but they are too
strong for her
and so she wished to control me through
helia but how do we break the spell over
the queen must break it herself by
learning to be patient
leanne thought for some time and
had an idea my mother loves
lilies maybe if she learns to grow them
and be patient with them the spell will
but how do i get them ask me
and you shall receive it through my
using the crown's magic leanne created a
of beautiful pink lilies later that day
the queen passed by and saw the garden
she immediately fell in love with them
and soon ordered her gardeners to take
care for them
so when leanne came to see she was
unhappy to see
the helpers working in the garden and
not the queen
oh no that's not how it's supposed to be
luckily for leanne the gardeners didn't
like helia
and so didn't bother to look after the
lilies carefully
so when she next visited the garden
she was enraged to see some of the
flowers withering
if you can't look after the lilies then
i'll do it no one is allowed near them
and to leanne's delight the queen was
now seen working
every day in the garden it was difficult
at first
and the witch even tried to use her
powers to make helia hate them
but helia's love was too strong that she
couldn't get angry at them
ever being patient with the flowers
soon turned her to be patient with
others too
i'm sorry highness but the the soup will
time oh that's all right
i've asked for a new type of soup to be
made so let him take his time
everyone soon noticed the change in
and started to warm up to her
one day helio was sitting in the garden
when leanne came and joined her
mother haven't the lilies bloomed yet
well as long as they're healthy they'll
bloom in their
own time i can wait till then
and quite suddenly the queen fainted
oh no mother what happened to you
magic crown what's wrong with her the
has been broken now she will be fine
just as the crown had said the queen was
completely fine the very next day
the first thing she did was to remove
the ring from her husband's finger
the spell wore off immediately but the
king had memories of what had happened
over the past few days how could i have
behaved that way to my sweet leanne
and helia i should have been more
don't blame yourself love it's all over
let's forget everything i
have something to give you leanne raised
her crown
and placed it on the queen's head it
continued to glow
seems like both of you are worthy of the
i feel leanne should have the crown
she is truly worthy as her patience
has saved us all
and so the kingdom was a joyful place
once again
the queen soon recovered and was known
to be the most patient of all
the king was very happy to see this
he had banished the witch so that she
would never
cause trouble to his kingdom again
leanne continued to be as sweet as ever
she taught
everyone how patience is a great value
and can bring about a huge change if you
just learn to appreciate
time and people

