对话前Yoox Net-A-Porter总经理Claire Chung:中国跨境奢侈电商行业的前世今生

2022-09-09 23:25:5841:25 1204
所属专辑:Asia Startup Pulse

Driven by the rise of China's middle and high-income classes and their crazy pursuit of better products, China is regarded as the engine of the global luxury industry. Brands from all over the world are rushing to enter the market and reach Chinese customers in different ways.

E-commerce is something that brands cannot ignore. They have to accelerate the adoption if they want to have a say in this market.

Today, we want to look back at the era when China's luxury e-commerce was just emerging. How did vertical e-commerce platforms bring overseas fashion and high-end brands to Chinese consumers? How did they open up a new business battlefield, and how many innovative experiments did they run to do so? 

After that, we are going to have some hands-on insights to learn what has changed in this industry. Brand attitude? Consumers? Channels? Formats? For example, the rise of e-commerce livestream?

We are honored to invite Claire Chung, former China General Manager of Yoox Net-A-Porter Group, former vice president of global business development of Shangpin to join us and talk about luxury e-commerce over the past decade.

This is Oscar Ramos, an e-commerce investor myself over the last decade in China, and your host for today. Let’s get a comprehensive understanding of the cross-border luxury commerce today.

Show notes: 

02:26 Educating overseas brands about the China market in Shangpin

05:03 The reasons why overseas brands rejected Chinese platforms in early days

08:05 Shangpin partnered with banks to build trust with customers

10:30 First time brought Topshop to China’s online space 

13:22 Online consumers for high-end brands in China

16:37 The role of Shangpin in providing unique user experience

19:17 The importance of after-sales customer service 

22:04 The biggest changes in China’s luxury ecommerce space 

28:32 China’s innovation that is brought to the rest of the world 

30:53 How the overseas perceives the innovation from China

35:00 The new definition of luxury 

Many thanks to our guest Claire Chung; host Oscar Ramos; producers Eva Shi and Sagar Chaudhary; editor David; organizer Chinaccelerator; and sponsor People Squared. Be sure to check out our website www.chinaccelerator.com

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简介:Asia Startup Pulse是一个致力于为全球创业者展现亚洲互联网创业生态圈中最前沿洞见观察的英文播客。播客由亚洲领先的创业加速器中国加速和风投基金SOSV运营,福布斯重磅推荐的中国最佳英文创业播客之一。播客由Ryan Shuken、Oscar Ramos和William Bao Bean担任主播,邀请科技创业圈的专家、人才作为嘉宾,畅谈中国创业生态圈的前沿动态与市场观察。