
2020-10-24 19:36:0002:32 397

Advanced - I am an artist (E0070)

Espana, cuna de artistas, nos ha brindado a˜traves de la historia artistas muy importantes.´

Uno de los principales es un artista espanol, hijo˜tambien del artista Jos´e Ruiz Blasco.´

Throughout history, Spain, cradle of artists, has provided us with some very important artists. One of the greatest is a Spanish artist, also son of the artist Jos´e Ruiz Blasco.

Muchos piensan que era originario de Barcelona, pero en realidad nacio en M´alaga. Durante la ´epoca que vivi´o en Barcelona, el joven pintor´acostumbraba a reunirse con un grupo de artistas en el bar Els Quatre Gats.

Many people think that he was originally from Barcelona, but he was actually born in M´alaga. During the time he lived in Barcelona, the young painter often gathered with a group ofartists at the bar ”Els Quatre Gats.”

Les demoiselles d’Avignon, fue su obra cumbre con numerosas inflfluencias, entre las principales cabe destacar el arte africano e iberico junto con´elementos tomados del Greco y Cezanne.´

”Les demoiselles d’Avignon” was his masterpiece with many inflfluences; among the principal inflfluences, it is worth noting African and Iberian art together with elements taken from El Greco and C´ezanne.

La situacion pol´´ıtica del pa´ıs y el estallido de la guerra civil espanola lo empujaron a una mayor˜ concienciacion pol´´ ıtica, fruto de la cual es una de sus obras mas conocidas: el mural de Guernica.´

The political situation of the country and the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War pushed him to a greater political consciousness, fruit of which is one of his best known works: the mural

of Guernica.

Las mujeres y el arte fueron sus dos pasiones,dominando su vida hasta confundirse entre s´ı. A traves de los retratos de sus mujeres se pod´´ıa percibir cual era el estado de su relaci´on.´

Women and art were two of his passions, dominating his life to the point of confusing themselves with each other. Through the portraits of his women, one can perceive the state of the relationship.

Fueron muchas las mujeres y las desgracias que acompanaron su vida. Una de sus amantes,˜ Marie Ther ` ese, la conoci´ o en Par´´ ıs cuando ella ten´ıa 17 anos y estando˜

el casado con Olga´ Koklova.

Many were the women and the scandals that accompanied his life. He met Marie Th`er´ese, one of his lovers, in Paris when she was only 17 years old, while he was married to Olga Koklova.

Marie Ther` ese fue la´unica persona a la que´el artista permit´ıa cortarle las unas y el pelo.

˜Ademas, Marie ten´´ıa que guardar los restos que cortaba en bolsas ya que el tem´´ ıa ser objeto de brujer´ıa.

Marie Th`er´ese was the only person whom the artist permitted to cut his nails and hair. In addition, Marie had to keep all the clippings in bags since he feared being the target of witchcraft.

Cuando murio el pintor, Marie Th´er` ese cay´ o en´una profunda depresion, y se suicid´

o en el garaje´ de la casa del artista en la Costa Azul.

When the painter died, Marie Th`er´ese fell into a deep depression, and she killed herself in the garage of the artist’s houseon the French Riviera.

Marie Ther` ese no fue la´unica desgraciada. La´ fotografa Dora Maar estuvo encerrada en un man-´icomio tiempo despues de que´ el la abandonara´ y se hizo tambien profundamente religiosa.´

Cˆote d’Azur was not the only woman scandalized. The photographer Dora Maar was institutionalized after he left her,and also became profoundly religious.

Su ultima mujer, Jacqueline Roque, se peg´o un´tiro despues de la muerte del pintor, porque dec´´ıa que la vida sin el no ten´´ıa sentido.

His last wife, Jacqueline Roque, shot herself after the death of the painter, because she said that life without him had no meaning.

 El artista fallecio en Mougins en 1973, cuando´ preparaba dos exposiciones, demostrando su capacidad creativa hasta el fifinal.

The artist died in Mougins in 1973, when he was preparing two shows, demonstrating his creative capacity until the end.





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