IWP 428 Everybody Needs Scienza (Emilia Marinig)

2022-08-05 05:06:1318:28 35

Yooooo did y'all miss me????? I bet y'all did.. I mean, I know that producer J is pretty cool and all but c'mon can we be honest for a sec? Y'all know this periodic Friday gem is a safe space where we can all talk and also gossip a lil... So let's face it: he gets the boring stuff, while I get the all the fun and games and I get to be like HAHAHAHAHAH while he must be more like: the economic growth of Vermentino, is something that has reached its historical peak right when the terroir of Sardinia was still... you get the idea, right?

But anyways, Producer J is the best, forreal y'all.

the Guest Musical: Loyalty Freak
the Check H ** OUT here Wallpaper https://open.spotify.com/artist/2lMSwGeYaNnsa6EEkYKkF3

