
2020-10-31 22:43:0702:43 391

Advanced - Bill Gates (E0090)

A:¿Que est´as haciendo que te ves tan concen-´trada?

What are you doing that you look so focused?

B:Estoy haciendo las cuentas del proximo mes para´ saber los gastos que vamos a tener. El mes pasado deb´ıamos haber comprado esto pero ya ´se paso el tiempo, as´´ı que este mes tendremos que comprar: una computadora, un refrigerador y una lavadora.

I’m doing the bills for next month in order to know what our expenses are going to be. Last month we were supposed to have bought these things, but there was no time, so this

month we’ll have to buy: a computer, a refrigerator, and a washing machine.

A:¿Crees que el dinero crece en los arboles? No´soy Bill Gates.

Do you think money grows on trees? I’m not Bill Gates.

B:No, este dinero lo tenemos ahorrado, pero ¿quien´ es Bill Gates?

No, we have this money in our savings, but who is Bill Gates?

A:¡No lo sabes! Es el segundo hombre mas rico´ del mundo, empezo realizando programas que´ vend´ıa a empresas o administraciones publicas.´El tipo es un genio y pocos podr´ıan haber imaginado su meteorico ascenso cuando abandon´o la´universidad de Harvard en el tercer ano de car-˜rera.

You don’t know? He’s the second richest man in the world; he started out creating programs that he sold to businesses and government offiffiffices. The dude is a genius, and few people could have imagined his meteoric rise when he dropped out of Harvard in his junior year.

B:¿Como es que tiene tanto dinero? Yo cre´´ ıa que Warren Buffett era el hombre mas rico del mundo.´

Why is it that he has so much money? I thought that Warren Buffffett was the richest man in the world.

A:No, Warren Buffett es el tercero. Bill Gates es fundador de Microsoft y atesora una fortuna de 50.000 millones de dolares. Ahora se ha retirado´ de sus responsabilidades al frente de Microsoft para centrarse en su fundacion dedicada a obras´fifilantropicas.´

No, Warren Buffffett is the third. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft and he has amassed a fortune of 50 billion dollars. Now he has retired from his responsibilities as head of

Microsoft in order to concentrate on his charity foundation.

B:Entonces, es un hombre que ha donado su dinero para ayudar a los mas necesitados. ¿Qu´e proyec-´tos o fundaciones son las que apoya?

So, he’s a man who has donated a lot of money to help the needy. Which projects or foundations are the ones that he supports?

A:Pues, le´ı que desde el ano 2000 se estima que ha˜ dedicado 29.000 millones de dolares, m ´as de la´mitad de su capital, a fifinanciar la fundacion que´ preside junto a su esposa Melinda, concentradaen la lucha contra las enfermedades infecciosas y las mejoras educativas.

Well, I read that since 2000 it’s been estimated that he’s dedicated 29 billion dollars, more than half of his money, to fifinance the foundation that he co-chairs with his wife Melinda, focusing on the fifight against infectious diseases, and educational reform.

B:Tambien vi en las noticias que Warren Buffett´ hab´ıa donado casi 30.000 millones de dolares a´varias fundaciones.

I’ve also seen in the news that Warren Buffffett had donated around 30 billion dollars to various foundations.

A:S´ı, de hecho dono casi el 80% de su fortuna, es´decir, unos 37.000 millones de dolares, siendo´ esta la donaci´on individual m´as grande hecha en´ la historia de Estados Unidos. Esta donacion se´hizo a cinco fundaciones. La mas benefificiada fue´la Fundacion de los Gates, la mayor organizaci´on´ no gubernamental del mundo, con lo que doblara´su actual tamano.˜

Yes, in fact he donated almost 80% of his fortune, which is to say, some 37 billion dollars, this being the biggest individual donation ever made in the history of the United States. He

gave this donation to fifive foundations. The biggest recipient was the Gates Foundation, the biggest non-governmental organization in the world, which doubled their present size.

B:Entonces le voy a escribir para pedirle una donacion de un milloncito a mi fundaci´ on, la


So then I’m going to write him to ask for a donation of a cool million to my foundation, the BMMPAM foundation.

A:¿Que? ¿Cu´al es la fundaci´ on B.M.M.P.A.M?´

Oh? What’s the BMMPAM foundation?

B:La fundacion de Benditas Mujeres con un M´aximo´de Paciencia para Aguantar al Marido.

The Blessed Women with a Maximum of Patience to Put Up With Their Husbands.





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