
2020-11-03 18:20:0212:40 499

Upper-Intermediate - Looking For An Apartment (D0097)

A:Buenas tardes. Le llamo por el anuncio de renta de un departamento.

Good afternoon. I’m calling you about the apartment-for-rent ad.

B:S´ı, es correcto, aqu´ı le damos informacion.´

Yes, that’s correct, this is the information line.

A:Me gustar´ıa saber cuantas rec´amaras tiene y´cuantos ba´nos.˜

I would like to know how many bedrooms and how many bathrooms.

B:Tiene tres recamaras, una con ba´no completo y˜ hay otro bano completo en el pasillo de la en-˜trada.

It has three bedrooms, one with a full bath, and another full bath in the foyer.

A:¿Y la cocina que tiene es electrica o de gas?´

And is the kitchen gas or electric?

B:Electrica y tambi´en hay un horno, toda la cocina´ha sido remodelada hace un ano.˜

Electric, and there’s also an oven, the whole kitchen was renovated just a year ago.

A:¿El departamento esta amueblado o tendr´´ıamos que comprar nuestros propios muebles?

Is the apartment furnished, or would we have to buy our own furniture?

B:No, esta vac´´ıo. Pero que sepa que esta reci´en´ pintado, las paredes son blancas, eso s´ı, si quiere cambiar el color, no habr´ıa problema, somos muy flflexibles.

No, it’s empty. But you should know that it’s newly painted, the walls are white, yes indeed, if you want to change the color, there would be no problem, we’re very flflexible.

A:Perfecto. ¿La renta se paga cada mes o cada dos meses?

Perfect. Is rent due every month or every two months?

B:La renta se paga cada dos meses y el deposito´ es tambien de dos meses.´

The rent is due every two months and the deposit is also two months.

A:¿Habr´ıa algun problema si voy ma´nana en la˜tarde a visitar el departamento?

Would there be any problem if I went tomorrow afternoon to see the apartment?

B:No ninguno, pero preferir´ıa que fuese a lo largo de la manana, “a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda”˜ ¿no cree?

No, none, but I would prefer if it were in the morning, the early bird gets the worm, don’t you think?

A:Tiene razon, as´´ı tengo el resto del d´ıa libre. ¿Que´tal le parece a las 8 de la manana?˜

You’re right, and that way I have the rest of the day free. How does 8 a.m. sound to you?

B:Me parece bien, entonces lo veo all´ı a las 8.¿Tiene la direccion?´

It seems fifine, then I’ll see you at 8. Do you have the address?

A:S´ı, la tengo.

Yes, I have it.

B:Muy bien, hasta manana.˜

Very well, see you tomorrow.







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