The Glunk that got Thunk by Dr Seuss美语童声朗读英文学习

2017-04-16 10:16:3206:28 2516

A thing my sister likes to do
Some evenings after supper,
Is sit upstairs in her small room
And use her Thinker-Upper.
She turns her Thinker-Upper on.
She lets it softly purr.
It thinks up friendly little things
With smiles and fuzzy fur.
She sometimes does this by the hour.
Then when she’s tired of play,
She turns on her UN-Thinker
An un-thinks the things away.
One eventing she was thinking up
Some fuzzy little stuff,
And Sister sighed, “This stuff’s all right,
But it’s not fun enough.
"I’ve got to think up bigger things.
I’ll bet I can, you know.
I’ll speed my Thinker-Upper up
As fast as it will go!”
“Think! Think!” she cried.
Her Thinker-Upper gave a snorty snore.
It started thunk-thunk-thunking
As it never had before.
With all her might, her eyes shut tight,
She cried, “Thunk-thunk some more!”
Then, BLUNK! Her Thinker-Upper thunked
A double klunker-klunk.
My sister’s eyes flew open
And she saw she’d thunked a Glunk!
He was greenish.
Not too cleanish.
And he sort of had bad breath.
“Good gracious!” gasped my sister.
“I have thunked up quite a meth!”
She turned on her UN-Thinker,
Tried to think the Glunk away.
But she found that her UN-Thinker
Didn’t seem to work that day.
The Glunk just smiled and said, “Dear child,
You can’t Un-thunk a Glunk.
Ask anyone. They’ll tell you
That a Glunk can’t be UN-thunk.
"I’m here to stay forever
In your lovely, lovely home.
And now, with your permission, dear,
I’ll use your tele-foam.
"I’ll call my mother every night.
It giver her such great joy.
She lives nine thousand miles away
And I’m her only boy.”
“Long distance is expensive!”
Sister cried. “Get off that line!”
But the Glunk dialed Texa-Kota-Cutt
“Hello, dear mother,” gabbed the Glunk.
“I hope you’re feeling fine.
And don’t worry ‘bout the phone bill.
It’s all paid by a friend of mine.
I’ve just called you up to tell you
How I love you. Oh, I do!
And today I did some cooking
And I cooked some Glunker Stew.
Let me tell you how I did it.
You may want to make some, too.
"You take a cup of applesauce.
You add a pinch of straw.
You drop in fourteen oysters,
Seven cooked and seven raw.
You beat it to a frazzle
With a special frazzle-spade.
Then you pour it in a rubber boot
Half filled with lemonade.
Then you toss it in the mixer,
Where you spuggle it and spin it…
"Stop!” my sister yelled.
“This costs ten dollars every minute!”
“Money?… Pooh!” The Glunk just laughed.
“Don’t think of things like that.”
Then he said, “Now, darling mother,
Let me see. Where was I at?
Oh. You take it off the mixer
When the stew is nicely pink.
Then you add a hunk of something…
Hunk of chuck-a-luck, I think.
Then you chuck in chunks of chicklets.
Then you plunk in seven cherries.
And THEN you plunk in, Mother dear,
Three dozen kinds of berries.
"Now, Mother mine, please do this right.
Those berries that you’re plunking…
Unless you plunk them with great care…
Will keep the stew from glunking.”
“Stop! Stop!” my little sister screamed.
“It’s not a funny joke.
My father can’t afford this call.
My father will go broke!”
“Now, you keep still!”
The Glunk snapped back.
He kicked her in the shin.
“Don’t you interrupt my mother
When she’s plunking berries in.
"Now, mother, plunk one berry. Blue.
Now, plunk one berry. Razz.
What’s that?… You have no raspberries?…
Oh, everybody has.
But, if you don’t have berries, razz,
A Schnutz-berry will do.
You have a Schnutz. I know you have.
Now plunk it in the stew….”
And he went on talking berries
With his dear old darling mother.
He jabbered and he blabbered
One whole hour. And then another!
He talked three hundred dollars’ worth.
My sister shook with fright.
“This Glunk might cost us millions!
He might jabber on all night!
My father will be ruined!
We’ll be penniless! We’re sunk
Unless I can Un-thunk him.
Oh, I MUST Un-thunk this Glunk!”
And that is how I found them.
She was standing there UN-thunking
… The Glunk still talking Glunker stew…
That Glunk was not Un-glunking!
Could she Un-thunk the Glunk alone?… It’s very doubtful whether.
So I turned on MY Un-thinker.
We Un-thunk the Glunk together.
Then I gave her
Quite a talking to
About her Thinker-Upper.
She only
Think up fuzzy things
In the evening, after supper.

—  Dr Seuss, ‘The Glunk That Got Thunk’, 1969.





