A Greener Life[福说英语][20-11-18]

2022-10-21 14:36:3816:07 314



M:Hello, everyone, welcome to English Panorama! I’m your old acquaintance, Ryan.Today is a very special day because I’m going to introduce you guys to a new friend. And let’s hand the microphone to her.

F: Hello, this is Dream , this is the first time I’ve been in English Panorama. It’s a great pleasure to meet you guys. Hope we can enjoy a great time together.

M: 让我们给我们的新朋友一个热烈的欢迎! So, Dream, 现在已经是11月中旬了,你有没有感觉最近福州的天气突然冷了好多?

F: Of course, especially at dawn and at night.尤其是在清晨和晚上的时候,凉风飕飕的,不穿外套的话属实受不住啊。

M:嗯嗯,最近的福州也是正式入秋了,早晚温差明显大了起来,穿着一件短袖走天下的时节已经过去啦。不过,尽管眼下是浓浓的秋意,X,did you know we just experienced one of the hottest summers on record?


M:Actually yes.

According to scientists at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, not only was it the hottest summer, but it was the globe's third hottest three-month season and September 2020 was the warmest September since global record keeping began in 1880.The month was just 0.02 degrees Celsius warmer than the previous record, held jointly by September 2015 and 2016.

F: 根据来自美国国家大气和海洋管理局的报告,2020年的夏季是有记录以来最热的夏天,而2020年的九月,则是自1880年全球气温开始记录以来的最热的九月,比之前由15和16年共同保持的记录高了0.02摄氏度。



M:Global temperature records are more likely to be set during the peak of the solar cycle, and during strong El Niño events, when the extra heat from the tropical Pacific Ocean is given up to the atmosphere. Remarkably, the record warmth of September 2020 came during the minimum of one of the weakest 11-year solar cycles in the past century, and during a La Niña event. That record warmth of September 2020 underscores the dominant role of human-caused global warming in heating the planet.



M:全球变暖对于地球环境的影响可不单单限于我们觉得某个夏天比往年热了不少。事实上,由于全球生态环境的一体性,全球变暖的影响目前还很难预估,但可以预见的是,其效应一定是连续的,目前我们所能体会到的影响只是the tip of an iceberg, 其中的冰山一角罢了。

F:Since you’ve mentioned iceberg, one of the most significant effects of global warming is the melting of ice, right?

M:Quite right.

This August, Canada's 4,000-year-old Milne Ice Shelf has broken apart due to melting from both hotter air above and warmer water below. The Milne Ice Self, as large as 80 square kilometers, bigger than the size of Manhattan, was the country's last intact ice shelf in its Arctic.

Scientists noted that Canada used to have a large continuous ice shelf across Ellesmere's northern coast. But over the last decade they have all broken apart due to melting. In fact, much of the Earth's ice shelves have collapsed because of rising temperatures in both poles.

F: 今年八月,加拿大具有4000年历史的米尔恩冰架因融化而破裂。米尔恩冰架面积达到80平方公里,比曼哈顿城都大,是加拿大在北极地区最后一个完整的冰架。




M:Ice losses in frozen regions are known to trigger “climate feedback” loops. For instance, white ice reflects much of the sun’s energy, so when it is replaced by dark open water that absorbs heat, more warming occurs. But how much warming is an open question. However, Arctic feedbacks could bring warming on much shorter time scales. Summers in the region are expected to be ice-free before 2050. That means the Arctic alone could account for an extra 0.19°C of global warming around mid-century, on top of the 1.5°C.


M:Global warming could also result in extreme climate events, such as floods, heatwave, droughts and storms, and furthermore combining into something worse. Take California’s wildfires as an example, due to continuous heatwave and droughts, California just experienced a historic wildfire season, during which more than 8,200 wildfires have killed 31 people and scorched “well over 4 million acres in California”.

F: 全球变暖还可能导致极端的气候事件,例如洪水,热浪,干旱和风暴,并且通过结合形成更严重的气候灾难。 举今年加利福尼亚州的野火为例,由于持续的热浪和干旱,加州刚刚经历了一个创纪录的野火季节——超过8200场野火造成了31人死亡,将400万亩的土地烧为废土。连续多日的火灾还导致了极其恶劣的空气质量——浓烟,在某些日子里,甚至遮住了太阳,将天空染成了一副末日景象。



M: This is horrifying, isn’t it? Seeing how much global warming could possibly jeopardize our future.

F: Yes, it’s quite worrying. But it doesn’t mean that there is nothing we can do and have to sit back and surrender.

M: Good call. To help stop global warming, we need to reduce our carbon footprints.

F: Carbon footprint, 直译为碳足迹,a carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent. 全球变暖的主因是温室气体的大量排放,不管我们走到哪里,我们的日常活动总会导致二氧化碳的排放,碳足迹就是我们在日常生活中所造成的二氧化碳排放的总和。


1. learn the 5 R’s:

Going zero waste is a great step towards combating climate change. Practicing the 5 R’s of zero waste can help. Lets break it down:

REFUSE: Avoid single use plastics and paper products by saying no thank you, opting for reusables.

REDUCE: Downsize what you purchase, opting to be more mindful of what you really need.

REUSE: Always find a way to keep an item out of the landfill by keeping it in great condition, repairing or upcycling it when it breaks.

ROT: Set up a compost system for your food scraps.

RECYCLE: Properly recycle any plastic, paper, glass or metal that comes into your life.







M:2. choose the more eco-friendly way to travel:

When going out, challenge yourself to a greener way of traveling, such as walking, biking or using public transportation. You’ll get a workout while helping the environment. Plus, it puts less cars on the road, which reduces the amount of exhaust filling the air at once.



M:3. conserve water and protect our waterways:

Reducing your water usage is essential: There’s only so much water on this earth, and we can’t make any more of it.

Here are a few ways to help conserve water and protect our waterways:

1. When you brush your teeth, be sure to shut off the water while you lather up.

2. Take shorter and colder showers. A fun way to do this is by listening to a 5 to 10 minute song, then shut the shower off when it’s over.

3. Don’t flush things down the toilet to dispose of them. One flush can waste up to 18 or 26 liters of water!





M:4. eat seasonally, locally, and more plants:

Go to your local market to shop for in season vegetables and fruit. Food that travels a long distance to get to you usually consumes much more resources and energy. So are animal products. Making the majority of your plate plant-based foods, is healthier and better for the planet.


过季食品和动物产品在生产过程中需要消耗更多的水与能量,而需要长距离运输的食品则会在运输过程中排放大量的温室气体。所以,让你的餐桌多一些local vegetables,不仅更健康,也更环保。

M:5. Cut down on electricity use altogether:

No matter what you decide to do, using less electricity is always the best option.

Invest in more energy-efficient products, and make sure to shut off lights when you’re not in a room. Pull plugs out when not in use too.





F: 是的。当然,也有人会觉得,一个人的力量毕竟微小,只凭我们日常生活的参与,怎么能阻止全球变暖呢?

M:这点也没错。So, it’s nice to see that more and more governments, when making policies, are taking environmental protection into consideration. Many enterprises are also taking responsibilities by adjusting their modes of production and launching new eco-friendly product. It’s our choice to purchase them even though they might cost a bit more.

F: 为了某一天我们醒来时,世界上还有洁净的水源,窗外还有湛蓝的天空、鸟语和花香,让我们选择绿色的生活方式,为地球上的各类生灵,也为我们自己,打造一个更绿色、更美好的未来吧。

M:OK. That’s the end of today’s program. 感谢Dream来到我们节目做客,也感谢各位的倾听,我们下期再见。



Background Music:

1、Cocomo - Caro Josse

2、Love Like This(Acoustic) - Kodaline

3、The river song - Haux

4、Love Alive - Aaron Krause





















