
2024-03-23 22:39:1602:47 2.8万

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6.花花公子 约翰:等等,吉姆。 吉姆:有什么事吗,哥们儿? 约翰:你上周六的派对很棒,而且我得告诉你,你女朋友真是个美女。 吉姆:我很高兴你玩得开心😊,是的,她是很漂亮。 约翰:你交往过的漂亮女士得有一长串了,不是吗?你真喜欢沾花惹草。 吉姆:嗯,我只是还不想稳定下来。 约翰:你一直是这样有点儿像个花花公子似的吧? 吉姆:我只是一直都对女人很感兴趣,如果这就是你所谓的花花公子的话。 约翰:我想她们知道你是个玩弄女人的人吧。 吉姆:那没关系。我不装。她们打一开始就知道我并不打算和她们长期交往。 约翰:那她们也只是想玩儿玩儿吗? 吉姆:有些是。我想另外一些都是希望能和我成家的人。


5.Jim: It doesn't matter . I don't pretend. They always know right from the start that I'm not planning to stick around for the long haul. John : So do they just like to play around? Jim: Some of them . I think the others hope they can be the one that settles me down


4.You really like to play the field. Jim: Well ,I'm not interested in settling down yet. John: Have you always been a bit of a playboy? Jim: I've always bern interested in women, if that's what you mean . John: And I think they know you are a womanizer.


3.playboy John: What's up ,Jim. John: That was a great party you had last Saturday. And I have to tell you that your girlfriend is a real knockout. Jim: I'm glad you had fun and yes, she is very beautiful. John: You've had a string of pretty ladies, haven't you?


2.我女朋友对我不忠。 My girlfriend is cheating on me . 他喜欢沾花惹草。 He really likes to play the field. 她真是个荡妇。 She is a real slut. 他用情不专。 He's not faithful in love. 她的男友换了一个又一个。 She likes to go from man to man.
