Connection-1(look inward-the loving begins with you)

2021-01-31 08:42:0505:38 50
审视内心——爱从你开始。 Look inward-the loving begins with you.

“Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth."

there's one desire we all share: We want to feel valued.
each of us, at our core, longs to be loved, needed, understood, affirmed-to have intimate connections that leave us feeling more alive and human.我们都有一个共同的愿望:我们想感到被重视。我们每个人,在内心深处都渴望被爱、被需要、被理解、被肯定——这种亲密的联系让我们感觉更有活力,更有人性。

The yearning to feel heard, needed, and important is so strong in all of us that we seek that validation in whatever form we can get it.


we all want to feel like we matter to somebody.

What I know for sure is that a lack of intimacy is not distance from someone else; it is disregard for yourself. It's true that we all need the kind of relationships that enrich and sustain us. But it's also true that if you're looking for someone to heal and complete you-to shush that voice inside you that has always whispered You're not worth anything-you are wasting your time. Why? Because if you don't already know that you have worth, there's nothing your friends, your family, or your mate can say that will completely convince you of that. The Creator has given you full responsibility for your life, and with that responsibility comes an amazing privilege-the power to give yourself the love, affection, and intimacy you may not have received as a child. You are the one best mother, father, sister, friend, cousin, and lover you will ever have.


