dino story - the noisy night

2021-01-31 10:30:2205:46 172

the noisy night
One stormy night , millions of years ago , an
Iguanodon called Isaac could not sleep . Thunder cracked , lightning fizzed
and heavy rain hammered onto the rocks . His herd dozed peacefully , but the noisy night kept Issac awake. 
At last , the storm quietened and Isaac was
just dropping off to sleep , when
Amos the Amargasaurus was having a midnight snack!
''Please be quiet !'' Isaac shouted . " Night is not the time for snacking. ''
And Isaac stuck a fir cone in each ear to block
out the noise. 
Amos stopped eating and Isaac was just
nodding off again .
when old Ruksana the Rebbachisaurus was havng a bad dream. 
''Shush !'' Isaac called out , louder this time
''Night is not the time for shouting !''
And Isaac lay down again and pulled a big
palm leaf over his face. 
Ruksana settled down and Isaac was drifting off for a third time when
Sauropelta called Stanley was scratching
an itch between his shoulder spikes. 
''STOP !''yelled Issac as loud as he could
''night is not the time for scratching !'' And
he buried his head under his mum's leg. 
Suddenly there was an enormous CRACK ! from the storm again and Isaac jumped. 
He squeezed in between his mum and dad , and next to his little sister. 
But maybe that wasn t such a good idea either
snored his dad
went his mum
And " EEEEeeeeeee , wheezed his  baby Sister. 
Just about everything else in the forest that could make a noise did make a noise that
night . When would it ever end .
Thunder boomed B0000000OM !
trees creaked CCCRRREEEAAAK !
wind howled OOooO-EEEE
Even the bugs buzzed louder than usual
''BE QUIET!'' Isaac yelled at it all. 
The next day , Isaac came up with a plan. 
He collected pine nuts horsetail Plants , fern
leaves and all things that Amos loved to eat. 
Then he took all the food to Amos
''Here's a big feast for you to eat before bedtime. ''said Isaac. ''Then you won't snack in the night. 
Next . Isaac rushed around the forest looking for unusual creatures. 
Soon spotted a lovely liaoxiornis. 
Isaac wanted to tell Ruksana a relaxing story to help her settle for the night. 
Isac made up a super story about the Liaoxiornis . " I'l tell you the ending at bedtime ,'' he said to Ruksana. 
''Youll have happy , sleepy thoughts tonight. ''
Isaac promised. 
There wasn't much time left, Isaac rushed back into the forest andlooked for a special
piece of rough and bumpy bark. 
Isaac found just what he was looking For and took it back for Stanley
''This will be perfect for you to scratch your back on before bedtime .'' he told Stanley .
It was getting dark , but Isaac was still busy . He tied back loose branches and locked gaps in any trees that might whistle in the wind. 
He Slapped moss on any rocks that might be noisy if it rained and made a cosy palm leaf
tent to sleep under. 
''Phew !'' sighed Isaac , trying the palm leaf
bulbs in his ears . ''That busy day has tired me
out . I'lI just sit here for a while. ''
By bedtime the forest was quiet , but no one
could find Isaac. 
His friends searched the forest and found Isaac asleep behind a tree . Now the only sound anyone could hear was Isaac snoring
Very loudly. 


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