2017-06-04 234/365 Parents' mobile use harms family life

2022-09-05 10:56:0803:20 63

An overuse/'ovə'jʊs/ of mobile phones by parents disrupts family life, according to a survey of secondary pupils.

By Judith Burns

More than a third of 2,000 11 to 18-year-olds who responded to a poll/pol/ said they had asked their parents to stop checking their devices.

And 14% said their parents were online at meal times, although 95% of 3,000 parents, polled separately/ˈs ɛpərɪtlɪ/, denied it.

The research was carried out by Digital Awareness UK and the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference.

Among the pupils:

82% felt meal times should be device-free

22% said the use of mobiles stopped their families enjoying each other's company

36% had asked their parents to put down their phones

Of pupils who had asked their parents to put down their phones, 46% said their parents took no notice while 44% felt upset and ignored.

Despite/dɪ'spaɪt/ this, only a minority/maɪ'nɔrəti/ of parents (10%) believed their mobile use was a concern/kən'sɝn/ for their children - although almost half (43%) felt they spent too much of their own time online:

37% said they were online between three and five hours a day at weekends

5% said it could be up to 15 hours a day over a weekend

Research last year by DAUK and HMC showed almost half of secondary pupils were checking their mobile phones after they had gone to bed, amid warnings that they were arriving at school tired and unable to concentrate/'kɑnsn'tret/.

According to the new research, almost three-quarters of pupils (72%) said they were online between three and 10 hours a day - but for 11% this could rise to 15 hours at weekends and holidays and 3% said it could reach 20 hours.

And children's greatest worry about their own online use was lack of sleep, with 47% highlighting it as a major concern.

But among parents, only 10% worried about children's time online leading to sleep deprivation./ˌdɛprɪ'veʃən/






