Vol.8 古润明&爸爸《Teddy Bear》

2017-06-04 09:52:0505:03 328

古润明是明悦一年级的学生。明明爸爸在家里花了很多时间陪伴明明一起读英文书。今天明明和爸爸合作朗诵了《Teddy Bear》,可以从声音里感受到父子俩的那份默契。


小熊维尼的前身是一只玩具熊。 由英国一位作家Alan AlexandraMilne的妻子Dorothy Milne在1921年从伦敦一间著名店铺"Harrods"买入, 作为送给他们儿子Christopher Robin(亦即是故事中的罗宾)的一岁生日礼物。后来他为这只玩具熊找来一些小伙伴:屹耳、袋鼠妈妈和小豆、小猪、跳跳虎。1924年,克里斯托弗和动物园里叫维尼的黑熊成了好朋友,它的爸爸米尔恩A. A. Milne因此获得灵感,以“小熊维尼”为主题创作了一系列家喻户晓的故事书。


Teddy Bear

By A. A. Milne


A bear, however hard he tries,

Grows tubby without exercise.

Our Teddy Bear is short andfat,

Which is not to be wonderedat;

He gets what exercise he can

By falling off the ottoman,

But generally seems to lack

The energy to clamber back.


Now tubbiness is just thething

Which gets a fellow wondering;

And Teddy worried lots about

The fact that he was ratherstout.

He thought: "If only Iwere thin!

But how does anyonebegin?"

He thought: "It reallyisn't fair

To grudge me exercise andair."


For many weeks he pressed invain

His nose against thewindow-pane,

And envied those who walkedabout

Reducing their unwanted stout.

None of the people he couldsee

"Is quite" (he said)"as fat as me!"

Then with a still more movingsigh,

"I mean" (he said)"as fat as I!"


Now Teddy, as was only right,

Slept in the ottoman at night,

And with him crowded in aswell

More animals than I can tell;

Not only these, but books andthings,

Such as a kind relation brings-

Old tales of "Once upon atime",

And history retold in rhyme.


One night it happened that hetook

A peep at an old picture-book,

Wherein he came across bychance

The picture of a King ofFrance

(A stoutish man) and, downbelow,

These words: "King LouisSo and So,

Nicknamed 'The Handsome!'" There he sat,

And (think of it) the man wasfat!


Our bear rejoiced likeanything

To read about this famousKing,

Nicknamed the"Handsome." Not a doubt

The man was definitely stout.

Why then, a bear (for all histub)

Might yet be named "TheHandsome Cub!"


"Might yet benamed." Or did he mean

That years ago he "mighthave been"?

For now he felt a slightmisgiving:

"Is Louis So and So stillliving?

Fashions in beauty have a way

Of altering from day to day.

Is 'Handsome Louis' with usyet?

Unfortunately I forget."


Next morning (nose towindow-pane)

The doubt occurred to himagain.

One question hammered in hishead:

"Is he alive or is hedead?"

Thus, nose to pane, hepondered; but

The lattice window, looselyshut,

Swung open. With one startled"Oh!"

Our Teddy disappeared below.


There happened to be passingby

A plump man with a twinklingeye,

Who, seeing Teddy in thestreet,

Raised him politely on hisfeet,

And murmured kindly in his ear

Soft words of comfort and ofcheer:

"Well, well!""Allow me!" "Not at all."

"Tut-tut!" A verynasty fall."


Our Teddy answered not a word;

It's doubtful if he evenheard.

Our bear could only look andlook:

The stout man in thepicture-book!

That "handsome" King- could this be he,

This man of adiposity?

"Impossible," hethought. "But still,

No harm in asking. Yes, Iwill!"


"Are you," he said,"by any chance

His Majesty the King ofFrance?"

The other answered, "I amthat,"

Bowed stiffly, and removed hishat;

Then said, "Excuseme," with an air

"But is it Mr. EdwardBear?"

And Teddy, bending very low,

Replied politely, "Evenso!"


They stood beneath the windowthere,

The King and Mr. Edward Bear,

And, handsome, if a triflefat,

Talked carelessly of this andthat ...

Then said His Majesty,"Well, well,

I must get on," and rangthe bell.

"Your bear, Ithink," he smiled. "Good-day!"

And turned, and went upon hisway.


A bear, however hard he tries,

Grows tubby without exercise.

Our Teddy Bear is short andfat,

Which is not to be wonderedat.

But do you think it worrieshim

To know that he is far fromslim?

No, just the other way about -

He's proud of being short andstout.

















