(Level 2)-Day_44 I Need Glasses

2024-02-25 23:03:0403:59 3.8万




1.blurry 模糊

2.appointment 约会

3.optometrist 验光师

4.drops 水珠

5.frames 框架

6.measurements 测量


I Need Glasses

I have been having trouble seeing the blackboard.

Everything is blurry.

I keep getting headaches.

I told my mother about itand she made an appointment with the optometrist.

I went to a place where they made me read words and letters on a chart.

Some of the words were bigand some were very small.

I tried to read everythingbut sometimes I couldn't see some of the small letters.

The optometrist would cover one of my eyes while I read the chart.

Thenshe would cover my other eye.

She even put some drops in my eyes.

I asked the optometrist if I had passed or failed the test.

She laughedand said that it wasn't the kind of test that you passed or failed.

She was just trying to find out if I needed glasses.

I did need glasses.

My mother and I looked around.

There are many pairs of frames.

I wanted something that was in style.

I tried on many pairs of frames.

Some of them looked good on meand some of them looked really funny on me.

I finally chose a frame that was my favorite.

I gave them to a lady who did some measurements.

She told me to come back on Friday to get my glasses.

On FridayI got my glasses.

My friends like them.

They said I looked smart in my glasses.

I wore them to school on Mondayand I was able to see the blackboard clearly.

I didn't realize how much I hadn't been able to see.

Now I don't get headaches anymore.

I'm glad that I had my glasses.

Everything is a lot clearer now.










滚动字幕第一遍是She was just trying to find out if I needed glasses.第二遍是She was just tried to find out if I needed glasses. 录音是tried,但是语法上应该第一遍是对的,如果是tried,则应该是has或者had。

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