2017-06-16 243/365. MIT Commencement Speaker Matt Damon

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First, you’re going to fail sometimes, and that’s a good thing.

For all the amazing successes I’ve been lucky to share in, few things have shaped me more than the auditions/ɔ'dɪʃən/ that Ben and I used to do as young actors — where we would get on a bus, show up in New York, wait for our turn, cry our hearts out for a scene/sin/, and then be told, “OK, thanks.” Meaning: game over. We used to call it “being OK thanksed.” Those experiences became our armor/'ɑrmɚ/.

So now you’re thinking, that’s great, Matt/mæt/. Failure is good. Thanks a ton. Tell me something I didn’t hear at my high school graduation.

To which I say: OK, I will !

You know the real danger for MIT graduates? It’s not getting “OK thanksed.” The real danger is all that smoke that’s been blown /blon/ up your ... graduation gowns about how freaking smart you are.

Well, you are that freaking smart ! But don’t believe the hype/haɪp/ that’s thrown at you. You don’t have all the answers. And you shouldn’t. And that’s fine.

You’re going to have your share of bad ideas.

But as the great philosopher /fə'lɑsəfɚ/, Benjamin Affleck, once said: “Judge me by how good my good ideas are, not by how bad my bad ideas are.” You’ve got to suit up in your armor, and get ready to sound like a total fool.

Not having an answer isn’t embarrassing. It’s an opportunity. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.


The second thing I want to leave you with is that you’ve got to keep listening. The world wants to hear your ideas — good and bad. But today’s not the day you switch from“receive” to “transmit.” Once you do that, your education is over. And your education should never be over. Even outside your work, there are ways to keep challenging yourself.






