Leonard Cohen|Nevermind

2021-05-06 18:35:0004:34 65

《真探》第二季高逼格酷炫片头BGM《Nevermind》,来自加拿大灵魂歌者Leonard Cohen(莱昂纳德·科恩)于2014年发行第十三张专辑《Popular Problems》。


今年迈入高龄80的Leonard Cohen,还在不断藉由音乐传达自己理念,由于身体健康状况无法长途跋涉,依旧坚持举办巡迴演唱会。虽然不知道还能唱多久,近期也让作品带著最后告别的意味,但是,只要能唱的一天,这位加拿大诗人,就要站在音乐舞台上贡献所有能量到最后一刻。


Leonard笔下的故事情节特别写实,常常引发感同身受的共鸣点。自1967年发行首张专辑《Songs Of Leonard Cohen》之后,虽然仅出版12张个人录音室专辑,却从未于艺术领域消失,也不曾离开一路支持的Columbia Records老东家。延续《Old Ideas》的人生探讨,交融困惑、恐惧、惆怅诗歌。步入2000年代以后,他喜欢把玩合成效果器的编曲。

Leonard Cohen|Nevermind


The war was lost The treaty signed

I Was not caught I crossed the line


I Was not caught Though many tried

I live among you Well disguised


I had to leave My life behind

I dug some graves You'll never find


The story's told With facts and lies

I had a name But nevermind


Nevermind Nevermind

The war was lost The treaty signed


There's truth that lives And truth that dies

I don't know which

So nevermind


Your victory Was so complete

Some among you Thought to keep A record of Our little lives

The clothes we wore

Our spoons, our knives


The games of luck Our soldiers played

The stones we cut The songs we made


Our law of peace Which understands

A husband leads

A wife commands


And all of this Expressions Of The sweet indifference 

Some call love

The high indifference 

Some call fate


But we had names More intimate

Names so deep and Names so true

They're blood to me

They're dust to you


There is no need

That this survive


There's truth that lives And truth that dies


Nevermind Nevermind

I live the life I left behind


There's truth that lives And truth that dies

I don't know which So nevermind


I could not kill The way you kill

I could not hate, I tried, I failed


You turned me in, At least you tried

You side with them Whom you despise


This was your heart

This swarm of flies

This was once your mouth

This bowl of lies


You serve them well

I'm not surprised

You're Of their kin

You're Of their kind


Nevermind Nevermind

I had to leave my life behind


The story's told With facts and lies

YOU own the world

So nevermind


Nevermind Nevermind

I live the life I left behind


I live it full , I live it wide

Through layers of time, You can't divide


My woman's here

My children too

Their graves are safe From ghosts like you


In places deep With roots entwined

I live the life I left behind


The war was lost

The treaty signed

I Was not caught

I crossed the line


I was not caught

Though many tried

I live among you

Well disguised



Leonard Cohen










