Mr.Skinny_read by Liz 20170621-225023

2017-06-21 23:38:2807:00 137
所属专辑:Mr.Men & Little Miss

咳嗽快好了,就看到你的留言, 谢谢鼓励.。所以今天一定要录一本,一本也是好的。

Mr. Skinny was very thin. He was as thin as could be. If he turned sideways, you could hardly see him at all.

Mr. Skinny live in a long thin house in Fatland where everything and everybody was very fat. Dogs, worms, birds, elephants, etc.

Mr. Skinny didn't like being so different from everything and everybody. But there wasn't much he could do about it. He had hardly any appetite at all and ate very little. He ate one cornflake for breakfast, one baked bean for lunch and the world's smallest sausage for dinner. 

One day, Mr. Skinny decided to do something about his appetite. He went to Doctor Plump who like to eat  a lot at work. Doctor Plump sent Mr. Skinny miles away to Mr. Greedy's house to stay for one month. It worked. His appetite was increased. He went home happily with a tummy at the end of the month.

