E&E’s Story Time:皇帝的新衣-The Emperor’s New Clothes

2021-06-09 13:15:2605:49 597
所属专辑:E&E 美语小故事

The Emperor's New Clothes

There once was an Emperor who loved nothing better than wearing fancy new clothes. Three times a day he would change into a brand new royal outfit. Many Emperors spend their days talking to advisers and fixing problems of the land. Not this one! He was too busy sending out his servants to find the next great outfit to wear.
One day two strangers came to town. They said they were weavers. They said the cloth they wove was the finest anyone would ever see. But in fact, they were not weavers – they were crooks.
These fake weavers said their cloth was more beautiful than any other cloth BUT it could not be seen by just anyone. Only people who were smart and the most excellent could actually see the magic cloth. People who were not smart and not excellent – well, they would see nothing at all.
Soon, word reached the Emperor about these two weavers and their fine cloth. He thought, “I am the most smart and the most excellent Emperor! Anyone can tell by how grand I always look! I do not need to worry about that silly magic.”
So the Emperor went to see the two weavers. These clever crooks ran about their shop, pointing at empty corners and tables. They said with pride, “Look at these piles of fine cloth! Surely you have never seen colors as bright as these, patterns as beautiful!” The Emperor could not understand – he did not see any cloth, anywhere!
The Emperor thought, “I cannot let anyone know that I cannot see this magic cloth! Who knows what they may think of me!” So instead he said, “Indeed! This is the most beautiful cloth anyone has ever seen!”
As it turns out, the Emperor’s grand annual Parade was coming up soon. This was a special day when everyone in the kingdom lined up to admire the Emperor and cheer him as he walked by. This year the Emperor wanted an outfit more fine than ever before. It must be made from the weaver’s wonderful cloth!
Yet there was very little time. Could they weave the cloth in time for the Parade? The two fake weavers frowned, as if they could not be sure. Then they smiled and said yes, they could make him the finest royal outfit and cape ever. But it would cost many extra gold coins for the work to be ready in time.
The Emperor paid it all. The two crooks put the gold right into their chest. But they did not buy yarn. All they bought were a few candles to burn in the windows at night. That way everyone would say, “Look! Those new weavers are working all night long to get the Emperor’s new clothes ready in time for the Parade.”
On the morning of the Parade, the Emperor came to the weaver’s shop. He felt sure that this time he would be able to see the magic cloth. But still, the Emperor saw nothing!
When it was time for the Emperor to get undressed, the clever crooks said, “These clothes are so light and airy it will feel as if you have nothing on at all.” And indeed, that is how it seemed to the Emperor!




故事情节演绎到位,很有情景感, 👍👍






















