Level 1, Unit 1 A - Preferences 扮演女生

2021-07-08 23:53:23190
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A:Do you like reading?

B:Yes, I do.I read a lot.

A:And who's your favorite author?

B:Terry Pratchett, the fantasy writer.The Color of Magic

is my favorite.What about you?

A:I like Stephanie Meyer.You know,the Twilight Saga.I have it on my tablet.

B:Oh no!The vampire stories?I think they're awful!




A:Do you like reading? B:Yes, I do.I read a lot. A:And who's your favorite author? B:Terry Pratchett, the fantasy writer.The Color of Magic is my favorite.What about you? A:I like Stephanie Meyer.You know,the Twilight Saga.I have it on my tablet. B:Oh no!The vampire stories?I think they're awful!