史蒂芬·弗莱 | Audible 有声问卷调查

2023-07-28 03:14:4303:24 6027

Who would I want to narrate my life? My life, my life story, my memoir. Well, me I've already done it three times I'm afraid. It's an egomaniac untie.我想为谁的故事献声?我的生活,我的故事,我的回忆录。恐怕我早已经做过这件事了,而且还做了三次,这真是放飞狂热的自我。
What is your favorite sound?你最喜欢的声音是什么?
My own voice. You know, most would say that. Most would say I should say that. But actually I have to add blackbirds and coffee grinder in the morning.我自己的声音,可能很多人会这么认为。很多人会认为我会这么说,但我必须加上黒鹂的歌声和早上起来咖啡机工作的声音。
What is your least favorite sound?你最不喜欢的声音是什么?
Reversing truck, the whine of self-pityvocal fry. You know that ahhhh voice that young people I have, the fry.正在倒车的卡车,顾影自怜的抱怨,以及“气泡音”。就是年轻人有这种“啊....”的气泡音。
Do you do your best work amid silence or noise?你最好的作品是在安静还是有噪音的情况下完成的?
Silence really, though I do have an APP that recreates the sound of a of a cafe, the coffee bar you know, with the clinking of flatware and crockery and everything in that that's good. Or sometimes I just play baroque piano music, and that helps. I can write it down.应该是在安静的情况下,不过我下载了一个应用可以模拟出咖啡馆的声音,就是那种咖啡吧,就是咖啡吧里各种餐具以及陶瓷杯碟碰撞的声音等等,听起来很棒。或者有时候我也会播放巴洛克钢琴音乐,这个挺有帮助的。我可以在这种声音中写作。
What’s the one book, production or speech that you could re-listen to over and over again?哪本书/哪个制作/哪篇演讲你能够反复地听下去?
I would say probably the Great Gatsby. It's an abundant, endlessly fascinating. It's just so perfectly, so perfectly written. And the great thing is there's so many wonderful actors, who you can download reading it. I've heard Jake Gyllenhaal, Tim Robbins, Michael Shannon.我觉得是《了不起的盖茨比》,这本小说真的是内容丰富,魅力无穷,写的真的是太完美了。最棒的是你还可以找到很多优秀演员朗读的版本。我听过杰克·吉伦哈尔,蒂姆·罗宾斯和迈克尔·珊农等人朗读的版本。
What book or listen has been most influential to your own path?哪本书/有声读物对你人生道路影响最大?
Well, when I was a boy, I heard on the radio in England, an actor called Gabriel Wolf reading the whole of A Christmas Carol. And I was completely mesmerized, I’ve never heard all proper book being read like that, and had all book of proper dense language, ideas and stories.在我小时候,我在广播上听到一个叫加百利·沃尔夫演员朗读的整本《圣诞颂歌》,我完全被它迷住了。我从来没有听到过一整本书,带着里面所有精巧的语言,思想和故事被朗读出来。
I immediately went to my parents’ bookshelves and plucked out A Christmas Carol, took it up to the bedroom and read it out loud, and did it twice or three times. It began my love affair with reading out loud.我立刻跑到我父母的书架前,取出《圣诞颂歌》,拿到卧室开始大声朗读,后来又朗读了两三遍。这件事让我爱上了朗读。
What is it that you most like in storytelling?在讲述故事中你最喜欢什么?
The usual suspects, surprise, character, story, language. All of them coming together to take you out of your own time and place. It's magic, really. It's magic and it's science fiction it's teleportation. But, unlike magic and science fiction, it's actually real and it's cheap and it's easy. It's just in your ears there it is.经常提到的,转折,人物,故事,语言,这些东西都能够让你身临其境。就像魔法一样,事实上确实是魔法和科幻,或者说是“心灵传输”。只不过和科幻魔法不一样的是,这是真实发生的,它不费神也不复杂,耳朵听到之后你就进入了那个世界。
What is it that you most dislike in storytelling?在讲述故事中你最不喜欢什么?
Self-consciousness I suppose, striving for effect, you know, I think too much acting, too much accent work, too much character differentiation is the equivalent of having colored ink on the page. It distract you from the story you want to pierce, to flow through the membrane and just be inside it.我想是自我意识,过于追求效果,演得太过了,太多口音的模仿,太多人物的区分,这就像书上印了彩色的墨水一样,会让你从故事中分心。有时候我们只想窥探,只想轻轻地透过那层薄膜进入到那个世界。
If you had to pick one, would it be plot, character, or setting?故事情节,人物,背景设定,一定要选一个你会选什么?
Which is most important to me, plot, character or setting? Character.故事情节,人物和背景设定哪一个对我最重要?人物。
Do you like the sound of your voice?你喜欢自己的声音吗?
Sometimes. I don't like the breaths or swallows, the mistakes the clicks, the “mouth move” noises. But the beauty is they can be edited out, although not in real life.有时候喜欢。我不喜欢呼吸声,吞咽声和朗读中的错误,以及嘴唇碰撞发出的声音,幸好这些声音都可以剪辑掉,不过在现实生活中就不行了。
Who do you write/create for?你为谁写作/创作?
For myself. For myself when I was 15 or 16, when I was eager, hungry, curious, avid, desperate to know, to enter new worlds, to escape reality, to meet exciting new ideas and people.为我自己。为十五六岁的自己,那时我是如此迫切,热望,好奇,野心勃勃,急切地想去了解,进入新的世界来逃避现实,去接触有趣的新思想和新朋友。
Whose praise of your work is most important?谁对你作品的赞赏最重要?
Well, those close to me usually, sometimes a stranger though can say, something that shows they've been touched in a way that I never would have guessed and myheart will skip a happy beat.一般都是我身边的人,有时候会有陌生人对我说,那些故事是如何以一种我从来没想到过的方式打动他们的,那时候我就会迸发出一阵快乐的心跳。
How do you define success?你如何定义成功?
Well, I got away with it today. I got something done, but there's tomorrow as tomorrow. There’s tomorrow and tomorrow is a whole other day and I'll never know of. So success is very temporary, very short-lived in your head really.我算是混到了现在,我也完成了一些工作,不过总是有明天。明天又是新的一天,我永远也不知道会发生什么。所以说成功的概念在人们的脑海里真的转瞬即逝。
What do you consider your greatest achievement?你觉得自己最大的成就是什么?
Survival. Honestly, just still being here.活着。就是仍能够在这里。
Do you have a guilty pleasure?你有什么内疚的快乐?
Oh, that's one of the things I'd watch in the afternoon. Law & Order SVU. Mariska Hargitay rocks.啊,这就是我在下午会看到的东西。《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》,玛丽斯卡·哈吉塔太棒了。
What would people be surprised to know about you?人们知道你的什么事情会感到惊讶?
That I'm really just so simple. I’m uncomplicated. Uninteresting, to be honest. Just, just this chap. I hope that answers your questions. Thank you!其实我是一个非常简单的人,一点也不复杂,甚至可以说无趣。我就是这样一个家伙。我希望这些问题的回答你们会满意,谢谢你们!



someone who considers themselves to be very important and able to do anything that they want 自大狂,极端自我主义者

Some celebs are just self-absorbedegomaniacs.



sadness for yourself because you think you have a lot of problems or have suffered a lot 自怜;自悯

He faced his illness bravely and without any hint of self-pity.


vocal fry

a quality in someone's speaking voice that makes it sound rough and low 气泡音(声带微颤而发出的弱声)

Do young women use vocal fry to mimic popular figures?



to have someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else 迷住;迷惑

I was completely mesmerized by the performance.



in fiction: instantaneous travel between two locations without crossing the intervening space 

Either Baron Cohen is an excellent actor with teleportation abilities, or this particular prediction may not be panning out.


heart skip a beat

someone's heart almost stops beating because of nervousness, worry, fear  因紧张、担忧、害怕而几乎停止心跳

Every day when Betty walks into the classroom,my heart skips a beat. 

























