A Frozen Sport

2021-07-19 17:27:3402:37 197
A Frozen Sport
Rock climbing has been a popular sport for a long time. It's still popular today, but now a lot of rock climbers are trying something new: ice climbing. Ice climbing is a lot like rock climbing. When you go rock climbing, you climb a mountain. When you go ice climbing, you climb ice. Some ice climbers climb frozen waterfalls.Others climb glaciers. Still others climb mountains that are covered in ice. Sometimes, they climb a mountain that is covered in ice only in some places. When they are climbing parts that don't have ice, they're rock climbing. When they're climbing parts that have ice, they're ice climbing. As people made better equipment, ice climbing started to become easier and more popular. In 1908, a climber made special boots called " crampons" . These boots made ice climbing easier and safer. After that, more people were willing to try ice climbing. In the 1960s, another climber invented special axes. Climbers can use the axes to hit the ice. The axes go into the ice. Then the climber can pull himself or herself up. These days, a lot of people are taking ice climbing classes. In order to go ice climbing. you have to be strong and healthy. In fact, some teachers say that you should do special exercises before you start to climb. Here's one good thing about ice climbing. You can do it in easy places or difficult places. People who want to try something simple can climb glaciers or small mountains. Those are usually pretty easy. People who want to try something more challenging can find a more difficult place. The hardest places are usually steep mountains and frozen waterfalls. However, you should never go ice climbing alone. You should always go with a teacher. A lot of people love ice climbing because it's hard. These people like to challenge themselves. Some say that when you get to the top of a glacier or a frozen waterfall, it's the best feeling in the world.




