小锐学英语 - 雅思满分口语示范:保护环境的法律或法规

2024-03-19 22:09:3305:19 331

2021年雅思口语5-8月新题Part 2

Describe a law or regulation on environmental protection.

You should say:

1)What it is?
2)How you first learned about it?
3)Who benefits from it?
4)And explain how you feel about this law?

小锐的回答 transcript:

1)I would like to talk about a new law that has been introduced recently in China to protect the environment. From January this year, China decided to ban the use of plastic shopping bags in all majorcities. There were also restrictions on the production, sale, and the use ofplastic products.  In the past several years, many stores no longer provide free plastic bags for their customers in a way to encourage shoppers to limit their use of plastic products. But, I think this was the first time when our government took into effect a complete prohibition for the stores to provide plastic bags.

2)Well, I first learned about it through my friends’ shared moments on WeChat. I remember she wrote that she was surprised to find out the local supermarket she usually goes to no longer provide plastic bags at the checkout. Since she forgot to bring a bag with her that day, a kind-hearted stranger lent her one so she was able to bring all of her groceries back home.  At the bottom of her story, she shared a link on this new law and that’s how I learned about in the first place.

3)I guess this law will not only benefit us Chinese but also each and every person on Earth, and our environment at large. Millions of tons of plastic waste end up at landfill sites which got washed down in our oceans. Since they are non-bio-degradable, they release extremely harmful toxins which are having a devastating impact on our oceans, our wildlife, and our health. As a result, a ban on the use of plastic bags in a major country like China would lead to a substantial decline in the amount of plastic waste. 

4)Honestly speaking, I felt greatly encouraged and enlightened to hear about this new law since laws like this are the need of the hour. For decades, human beings have been wreaking havoc on the planet. It’s high time we do something about it. Apart from this, the implementation of this law would bring a paradigm shift in people’s attitudes towards our environment. We will all learn that with simple actions like not using plasticbags, everybody can help with environmental protection.

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