25. Feast Day 宴会节

2024-01-15 21:17:1110:57 630

25-Feast Day-宴会节

 It was a very clear and crisp Winter’s day. A special day, and Big Nutbrown Hare was waiting for a moment to remind his son just now special the day was.

“Ha… did you see that Big Nutbrown Hare?”

“That was my special twig jump.”

“I did, and speaking of ‘special’, do you know which day it is today?”

“It’s Feast Day, when everyone brings along a little something to eat, and together we celebrate with… a feast!”

“Yay! What are we celebrating?”

“Ah, it’s a surprise! Ask me again tonight.”

“Little Grey Squirrel and I can find some treats.”

“Where will we have the feast?”

“Why don’t you both look for somewhere nice?”

“Yes! A special day needs a special place.”

“Let’s go.”

“Where should we look?”

“I don’t know.”

“Look, there’s Little White Owl. Let’s ask her.”

“She flies all over the meadow.”

“Little Grey Squirrel! Wake up! It’s Feast Day today!”

“Did you say ‘Feast’?”

“Yes, and we need to gather food.”

“I buried some nuts last Autumn.”

“And I hid some berries.”

“Little White Owl.”

“Hello. Is something wrong?”

“We need your help.”

“We’re looking for a special place to celebrate Feast Day.”

“I can tell you a story about an amazing place.”

“Oh/ Yes, please.”

“It was a clear, crisp winter’s night. A little white owl much little than me was exploring the winter meadow. She flew to all the places she knew, and even to some she didn’t know. Then, she saw a place that was most unusual. The winter meadow was all white, but this place was colourful.”


“All around her was sparkling pink and green…”

“Sparkling pink and green?”

“And… there was dancing in the sky.”

“Dancing in the sky?”

“The Little White Owl soon grew bigger, but she always hoped to see that place again.”

“Did she see it again?”

“That’s all there is to the story. Maybe you can find out where it is.”

“Then we must find this place.”

“Yes. But where in the meadow could be so colourful?

“I know. The holly bush! That has sparkling colours.”

“Yes. Thank you, Little White Owl! Oh, it’s sparkling! Green and… well, not exactly pink, but close.”

“Yes, this must be the place in the story.”


“But there’s no dancing in the sky.”

“That’s true. Maybe we haven’t found it after all.”

“Oh. Where shall we look now?”

“What’s that strange noise? Let’s go and find out.”

It’s not many berries for a feast. I hope Little Grey Squirrel is digging up lots of nuts.

“Aha. Why did I bury just one hazelnut? That’s right! I buried the nuts one by one to trick anyone who might dig them up. How tricky of me! But I think I’ve tricked myself too.”

“Ooh… look at the birds!”


“They’re dancing in the sky!”

“Yes! Could it be?”


“But there’s no sparkling pink and green.”

“You’re right! It can’t be the special place. We’d better find it soon, or it’ll be feast time. Come on!”

“Hey! Wait for me!”

“Pick a paw. Any paw.”

“That one. A hazelnut. Yum.”

“I guess that means the feast is in the other paw. A walnut. Only two nuts?”

“But these are two of the best nuts in the meadow.”

“Yes, but even with my berries. It’s not enough for a feast.”

“I guess not. But they’re enough for this!”

“Let’s see what everybody else brings.”

“We’ve looked everywhere in the meadow that we know.”

“And even some places that we didn’t know.”

“There must be somewhere we haven’t looked yet. Come one! What a big hill!”

“Race you to the top!”

“It’s very beautiful here.”

“Look! It’s like there are stars in the ice.”

“And listen to how quiet it is.”

“Hello, Little White Owl.”

“Have you found the special place yet?”

“This is an amazing place but I don’t think it’s the special place.”


“It’s getting late, Little Field Mouse. this is might have to do.”

“Never mind Little Nutbrown Hare, at least we’ve got the feast.”

“I suppose to.”

“Then I’ll go and tell the others to bring the feast.”

“Some winter buds.”

“And some seeds.”

“Oh… they’re good but…”

“Hello everyone!”

“Sorry. It’s not much.”

“Why so sad?’

“Well, it’s just we don’t have much of a feast and we couldn’t find Little White Owl’s special place. I’m sorry. Feast Day is ruined.”

“All is not lost, my Little Nutbrown Hare. You’ll see.”


“That was a bigger feast than I thought.”

“Yes, it was just the right amount.”

“Happy Feast Day everyone!”

“Happy Feast Day.”

“Wow! Did you see that?”


“What’s it?”

“It’s called the Northern Lights…we’re very lucky to see them.”

“Look! We can see them shinning in the icicles.”

“Sparkling pink and green all around!”

“And the lights, they’re dancing in the sky!”

“This is the special place after all!”

“Yes, it is.”


“our meadow is so wonderful, Big Nutbrown Hare, tell me. What is it we celebrate on Feast Day?”

“Exactly that. That we have a wonderful meadow, enough to eat, and most of all, friends to enjoy it with.”

“Yes. Friends are the best part.”

“Guess how much I love you.”

“As much as you love the pink and green lights?”

“As much as I love the dancing under the lights with you, my Little Nutbrown Hare.

As Little Nutbrown Hare dancing with his father, with his friends around him, his heart soared. He felt wonderful. And he knew that that feeling was love.


Listening feast






25. 玛蒂娜学开帆船



海明威| A Moveable Feast 流动的盛宴



LXG | 25.娜塔莎之舞:俄罗斯文化史

