145. The Man in the Moon

2024-04-10 21:22:1201:03 2.2万

She looked at the moon. It was big. It was round. It was white. It was big and round and white. It was much bigger than all the stars. The stars were little lights. The moon was a big, bright light. She looked around. She could see other houses. She could see the sidewalk. She could see the street. The moon was bright. It was not as bright as the sun. But it was much brighter than the stars. She looked at the moon. Her dad said there is a man in the moon. She looked for the man in the moon. She looked for his eyes. She looked for his nose. She looked for his mouth. She did not see the man in the moon.
looked 看 ; 瞧 ; 寻找 ; 寻求 ; 注意 ; 留心 ; 留神 ; look的过去分词和过去式
bigger 大大 ; 给人印象深地 ; 大的,巨大的 ; 年龄较大的 ; 重大的 ; 严重的 ; big的比较级
sidewalk 人行道
brighter 光亮地 ; 明亮地 ; 光线充足的 ; 明亮的 ; 鲜艳夺目的 ; 快活而生气勃勃的 ; bright的比较级
there is 有
looked for 寻找,渴望
nose 鼻 ; 鼻子 ; 有…鼻子的 ; 头部,头锥 ; 小心翼翼地向前移动 ; 嗅,拱,顶
did not 没有 ; 未 ; 的缩写

