
Writer's reputation lives on 85 years after death

00:10①In the days before he died in October 1936, Lu Xun, regarded by many as the father of modern Chinese literature, continued to work despite being seriously ill.

00:24②But unlike his work during the previous two decades, when he mainly wrote to raise awareness of the need for a better China, in one of his last pieces, This is Also Life, he recorded his feelings after recovering from a dangerous illness.

00:41③"The lamplight in the street shines through the window, dimly illuminating the room. I take a glance around, the familiar walls, their edges, the familiar stacks of books, the unbound picture album, the night going on outside, the world far away, and millions of people. I can relate to them all."

01:06④Many Chinese still love to quote the last part of that passage. However, 140 years after his birth, Lu's name is often featured on social media platforms, as people love quoting him-falsely in numerous cases.

01:26⑤Photographs of the writer and quotes falsely attributed to him have been used as humorous stickers on WeChat.

01:35⑥On the Taobao shopping platform, an image of Lu in the television series The Age of Awakening, which aired in February, has been so popular that 16 pages of related cultural creative products are available including badges, keyrings, bookmarks, cutouts, stickers and T-shirts.


文稿有错啦,,Lu's name is often featured on social media platforms, as people love quoting him-falsely in numerous cases.

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