181 cry out, in awe of someone, take sb by surprise都会用吗

2021-11-23 23:50:2827:18 2422
181天 hey guys, enjoy it! He’s rubbing me now, and the blow follows. A rhythmic pattern emerges, caress, fondle, slap hard. I have to concentrate to handle this pain. My mind empties as I endeavor to absorb the grueling sensation. He doesn’t hit me in the same place twice in succession – he’s spreading the pain. “Aargh!” I cry out on the tenth slap – and I’m unaware that I have been mentally counting the blows.“I’m just getting warmed up.” He hits me again then he strokes me softly. The combination of the hard stinging blow and his gentle caress is so mind numbing. He hits me again… this is getting harder to take. My face hurts, it’s screwed up so tight. He strokes me gently and then the blow comes. I cry out again.“No one to hear you, baby, just me.” And he hits me again and again. From somewhere deep inside, I want to beg him to stop. But I don’t. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction. He continues the unrelenting rhythm. I cry out six more times. Eighteen slaps in total. My body is singing, singing from his merciless assault.“Enough,” he breathes hoarsely. “Well done, Anastasia. Now I’m going to fk you.”He caresses my behind gently, and it burns as he strokes me round and round and down. Suddenly, he inserts two fingers inside me, taking me completely by surprise. I gasp, this new assault breaking through the numbness around my brain. “Feel this. See how much your body likes this, Anastasia. You’re soaking just for me.” There is awe in his voice. He moves his fingers, in and out in quick succession.(1)A grueling activity is extremely difficult and tiring to do. e.g: He had complained of exhaustion after his grueling schedule over the past week. (2)He doesn’t hit me in the same place twice in succession. She didn’t stay at one place for two nights in succession. (3) Aargh: a cry of pain (4) I cry out on the tenth slap. Cry out: make a loud inarticulate sound expressing fear, pain, grief. E.g.: she cried out as a branch hit her face/ She cried out as a basketball hit her head. (5) I’m unaware that 我不知道 I am well awake of/ that(6) The combination of the hard stinging blow and his gentle caress is so mind numbing. mind numbing: If you describe an event or experience as mind-numbing, you mean that it is so bad, boring, or great in extent that you are unable to think about it clearly. E.g.: a mind-numbingly boring sport.(7) sing: to be exultant; rejoice e.g.: a sight to make one's heart sing. My body is singing, singing from his merciless assault. (8) taking me completely by surprise: take someone by surprise (9) You’re soaking just for me: soak: I got so soaked because of the sudden rain (10) There is awe in his voice: Awe is the feeling of respect and amazement that you have when you are faced with something wonderful and often rather frightening.敬畏 in awe: They gazed in awe at their hero/ stand or in awe of someone: They are in awe of their father. (11) in and out in quick succession: She runs back and forth in a quick succession.









Don't Cry




