Oscar Fuchs: Warts and All

2021-12-08 06:00:0084:48 8073

Oscar Fuchs is the host of Mosaic of China podcast. A popular show featuring people who are making their mark in China. We critique each others shows as we have an honest chat about our insecurities as podcasters. We try to unearth the true reasons behind why we do it. We talk about ego, mid life crisis and staying relevant in society.  We talk candidly about adjusting to modern Chinese society, the desire for international travel and our identities as foreigners in China. We discuss what should be our level of concern for the future and accepting our privileged lives, warts and all.

Add us on WeChat: THD_Official

Email: thehonestdrink@gmail.com

Instagram: thehonestdrink_

Find us on: Apple, Spotify, 喜马拉雅, 小宇宙, 网易云音乐, Bilibili, YouTube...




Happy new year! thanks again for putting out another honest episode. I’ll check mosaic in China, so you have introduced a little competition. I agree to Aric to be appreciative of what we have, and meanwhile do whatever we can to make it a better world, including keep going on with your show.




Thank you for sharing so many insightful observations. Hope to see a new episode soon!!!


Thanks so much for having me on your show boys, it was a great experience. Looking forward to celebrating your big 100th episode. ⭐️

小Betsi 回复 @Oscar_Fuchs_奥斯卡

I can totally relate your negative feeling of being 'stuck' in a country during covid, which is why i have decided to go back to where i came from, a place i initially left for HK becuz i didn't quite enjoyed it. But you know when we first made the choice to leave a place, that already tells a lot.



简介:The Honest Drink是三个来自美国的华裔男生畅所欲言的真诚记录。Justin,Howie,Aric,希望自己不打烊的“声波酒馆”不仅能够成为朋友间共同的回忆,还能够跨越东西方文化的藩篱,传递给陌生人更多的能量。在这里,不喝鸡汤,只是干杯好酒,分享收获,聆听故事。