City News〡World Innovative Cities Forum Held in Shenzhen

2021-12-31 18:07:5504:47 5799

S02 EP14: City News丨World Innovative Cities Forum held in Shenzhen

On November 18, the World Innovative Cities Forum was held virtually and physically in Shenzhen. Participants exchanged ideas, shared experiences, developed consensus and sought cooperation around the theme of "Jointly Building an Open and Innovative Platform and Rising to Development Challenges of the Times". Qin Weizhong, Mayor of Shenzhen and Beate Trankmann, UNDP Resident Representative in China, attended the forum and delivered remarks. On November 19, the International Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence and Global Governance" and "International Cooperation and Exchange Meeting on Artificial Intelligence", parallel sessions of the Forum were held. Chinese and foreign experts and scholars gathered together to share insights on issues related to the development of China's AI industry, participation in international cooperation and global governance during these sessions.

At the main forum on November 18, Qin Weizhong welcomed all the guests on site and online. He said that over the past 40 years, Shenzhen has committed to innovation-driven high-quality economic development, promoted industrial iteration and upgrading, and realized sustainable urban development, becoming an important economic center, financial center, innovation center and transportation hub in China. Shenzhen’s development has been a miracle in the history of the world’s development. At present, the whole city is studying and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, seizing the major opportunity of the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, accelerating the development of the Pilot Demonstration Area of socialism with Chinese characteristics and creating an exemplary city of a strong modern socialist country. Shenzhen looks forward to working with all parties to jointly build an open and inclusive cooperation platform, activate innovation-driven cooperation momentum, share the fruits of cooperation in innovation and development, establish and cultivate diverse partnerships among city governments, international organizations, business associations, enterprises and universities, strengthen cooperation in emerging fields and industries such as digital economy, smart city, green and low-carbon, life and life sciences, artificial intelligence, etc., and continuously foster more practical cooperation outcomes and create a more prosperous and better future for cities.

As a leader in clean energy, digital economy and financial innovation, Shenzhen has become a model city for leading and accelerating green, inclusive and sustainable structural transformation, said Beate Trankmann in her video message. In the future, UNDP will continue to support Shenzhen to promote sustainable development and reinforceShenzhen’s effort to become a National Sustainable Development Agenda Innovation Demonstration Zone.

At the meeting, the Institute of Ecological Conservation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the United Nations Development Programme jointly released the "Executive Summary of Shenzhen SDGs (2021)". Mayors of innovative cities from the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Korea, Poland and other countries, heads of well-known tech enterprises and universities, representatives of international organizations in China, and experts and scholars delivered keynote speeches. The Forum also launched an initiative, calling for deepening the interaction between city governments, expanding the areas of cooperation, enriching the forms of exchange, learning from each other's experience in sustainable urban development, empowering sustainable urban development with innovation, leading urban economic development, social progress and improvement of people's livelihood with innovation, and making positive contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.













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