
2017-09-10 18:40:3304:12 258


    高老师是镇江人,他的国学功底斐然,一手颜体板书。他的语文课是最有收获,全班高考语文成绩各科第一。 我的当年93/120, 而英语74/100。虽然现在从事英语教育,我的文笔功底得益于高老师的谆谆教诲。






Describe a teacher who made the deepest impressionon you.


You should say:

Who he/ she was

Where he/ she taught

What he/ she taught


And explain what impressedyou most when he/ she taught you.


Part 3

1.What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?

2.Do you thinkteachers have high position in the society?

3.Do many young peoplein your country want to be teachers?

4.Do you thinkteachers are going to be replaced by computers?

5.What are thedifficulties teachers will face?


Sample answer

Well, I’d like to tell you about my former highschool Chinese teacher. Mr. Gao Chen. He was also the student advisor for myclass. So I would say I knew him quite well.

Mr. Gao was about 50 years old when I studied there.There were a few things that really made him different from other teachers. Firstly,he was very knowledgeable about the classic Chinese literature, I would saythat he was a very experienced teacher and he had been teaching Chinese in highschool for over 25 years. Then, Mr. Gao is a very kind and patient man, hewould always try to treat all the students equally, unlike some other teacherswho would only favor the top students in the class. For the average students,he would give them a lot of encouragement and confidence on learning.

Mr. Gao had a very bad family life, his onlydaughter suffered some type of health problem and his wife also was in a poorhealth. But he would never let that get in his way for his work. I would reallyregard him as a highly respectable man and a great teacher, a dear friend.

Why would I choose to talk about him? Well, Ibelieve teachers are one of the most important occupations in our society. wedepend on them to teach us knowledge and become useful people. Also, teachingrequires dedication, responsibility, passion and commitment. I think Mr. Gaofits into all the categories and many of my classmates feel the same way abouthim.


Part 3

1.What qualities do you think a good teacher shouldhave?

I think a good teacher should be extremely knowledgeableabout the subject that he or she is teaching. That’s a good way to ensure thatthe students will get to learn whatever is important from the subject.Secondly, I think the teaching experience is  very important too. An experienced teacher shouldbe good at taking control of the class and also, be very patient and knows howto communicate with all the students.


2. Do you think teachers have high position in thesociety?

In China, I think teachers are highly respected, notjust because the job itself. We have a very proud tradition of respectingknowledge and teachers. That’s why a lot of young people want to become teachers,and I think the pay is better than the average.


3.Do many young people in your country want to beteachers?

I would say currently, a lot of young people wouldlike to become teachers, because as we all know, it is a very stable job with avery good pay and some other benefits. Besides, a lot of people would like tobe together with young students, then some people say they really enjoy the twolong holidays, so they can use the time to do the thing they want to do.


4.Do you think teachers are going to be replaced bycomputers?

I don’t think that will ever come true. I meanteachers’ roles are irreplaceable. Computers can actually help to make theclassroom and the teaching more interesting and fun. I would say the studentscan thrive(茁壮成长)under the guidance of the teachers and I would alsosay the interaction between teachers and students can never be replaced, thereis no alternative form for this.

5.What are the difficulties teachers will face?

I think the biggest challenge would be dealing withsome students who have no interest in or desire for learning. Sometimes it canbe a headache. Also, I think a lot of teachers are concerned about their payand also how they can keep up with the changes of technology and otherknowledge in the society.







































简介:季学斌老师 Gerald 雅思季 全国著名的雅思殿堂级口语写作大师。南京梦工场教育创始人。毕业于美国德克萨斯州理工大学。共计有17年的雅思教学经历,8年托福教学经验,留美八年,在新西兰工作三年,其中在奥克兰与多名雅思考官共同从事雅思教学两年,在新东方环球雅思朗阁雅思托福培训机构任职一线教师及机构校长多年。其口语专著《雅思口语梦工场》2017年2月出版,该书由中央电视台英籍专家Michael Butterworth校审与配音。其姊妹篇《雅思写作梦工场》2017年12月出版。系列丛书《雅思阅读梦工场》2018年上半年出版。梦工场教育位于南京国际贸易中心,擅长口语写作一对一提分。学雅思找雅思季,要提分来梦工场。