Unit 10 A most embarrassing experience

2022-03-01 11:03:2001:06 89

Yesterday I had a most uncomfortable and embarrassing day. The moment I woke up when my alarm clock went off, I felt a bit under the weather. However, I did not call in sick. I knew I had probably come down with the flu or something, but I went to school as usual in spite of it. All morning I could not concentrate on the teachers’ lectures because my head was killing me. Worse still, many classmates of mine seemed to be disturbed by my fits of coughing. They all avoided me like the plague. When the lunch break came, I went out to grab a bite at a roadside food stand. After the meal, I tried to take a nap. But the worst thing happened. I felt so sick that I threw up everything I had eaten on the floor. At that, some of my classmates looked at me with disgust. I had never felt so embarrassed in my life.

