Unit 19 How I have lost weight

2022-03-01 20:22:4101:01 64

When some of my friends started to call me “Fatty”, I found the burden was more than I could bear. I had tried to do something about it but was unable to find an effective way to reduce my weight. In the beginning, I tried having only a meal a day. However, it did not help make any significant progress because, being too hungry, I tended to eat a lot more the next day. If I skipped the meal, I wouldn’t even have the energy to get out of bed the next morning. Since such things were repeated all the time, my frustration deepened day after day. Finally a friend of mine advised me to go to a fitness center. I gave it a try and it really worked wonders. Over the past six months I had shed more than 30 pounds. Now, when my friends jokingly say I am as light as a feather, I know I have rid myself of the burden.

