Consciously work throughout

2022-03-05 12:49:0601:42 4
You have to consciously work throughout the years your children are young to help them see “success”in the things you want to be part of your culture. For example, when one of our sons was very young,we learned that children in his class were bullying another child at school, and nobody was doing anything to stop it.Kindness had been one of our goals, but it had not yet become part of our culture.We came up with a new family motto:“We want Christensens to be known for kindness.” We worked it into conversation— and, in particular, taught our son how he could help his classmate who had been bullied.We praised him when he helped his classmate, as well as any of our children when they demonstrated kindness to others. We made it part of our culture.
Over time, this had the effect we wanted. Each of our children became truly kind women and men. Wherever they are,in whatever corner of the world they are in,I do not worry about what they will do when confronted with a problem.The first thought in their minds will be “We want Christensens to be known for kindness.”

