The trap of marginal thinking

2022-03-07 14:42:4401:47 4
The Trap of Marginal Thinking
In the United States, in the late 1990s, Blockbuster dominated the movie rental industry. It had stores all over the country, a significant size advantage, and what appeared to be a stranglehold on the market. Blockbuster had made huge investments in its inventory for all its stores. But, obviously, it didn't make money from movies sitting on the shelves; it was only when a customer rented a movie, and a clerk scanned the movie out of the store,that Blockbuster made anything.It therefore needed to get the customer to watch the movie quickly,and then return it quickly,so that the clerk could rent the same DVD to different customers again and again.To prod customers to return the DVDs quickly,the company levied big fines for every day that the customer forgot to return the DVD on time-if Blockbuster didn't, it wouldn't make money,because the DVD would be sitting in a customer's home rather than be rented to someone else.It didn't take long before Blockbuster realized that people didn't like returning movies, so it increased late fees so much that analysts estimated that 70 percent of Blockbuster's profits were from these fees.

