Hard to Put Down Our Phones

2022-03-25 06:57:5002:50 54
Why Is It So Hard to Put Down Our Phones?

How many times have you picked up your phone and looked at something in the last hour?

The average Brit checks their screen every 12 minutes, according to the latest research.

You might find yourself checking your phone at the slightest feeling of boredom, purely out of habit. App developers are not relying on you to come to them whenever you have a bit of downtime, they want to grab your attention.

For example, push notifications make sure you keep picking up your phone to see what the announcement is and to see what you may have missed.

There may be something new and enticing for us to engage with, or we may have received lots of likes for a social media post.

When we do get a like, a follower, comment or share of our post, it excites the brain and produces a chemical which you may have heard of called dopamine.

This is a chemical that provides a "feel-good" response to these rewards. Because it feels good, we are tempted to repeat the activity that created the good feeling.

This loop is one of the biggest reasons why we are checking our phones every 12 minutes. So, how can we break the loop so that real life does not pass us by?

The first is to turn off all notifications on your phone so that you are not distracted or tempted by the alluring messages.

Next is to put your phone out of sight. This is particularly helpful if you are revising or have a project to get done.

Finally, look for and create opportunities for gaining a dopamine hit in other ways, for example through exercise or music.


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