22 The Farmer and the Eagle农夫与老鹰

2022-03-27 22:39:0008:54 1055

The Farmer and the Eagle

The Farmer is a very jolly and kind man.He is also diligent.He wakes up early every morning and goes to work smiling.

Farmer:Hmm… The air isso freshthis morning.

And the sun is also so bright.

It’s a beautiful day!

Look at those birds and flowers.

I fell so happy.

The Farmer always sings while he works in his field.

Farmer:La, la, la.La, la, la. La, la, la.La, la, la

I’m finished for today.

I better go home now.

On his way home, the Farmer hears a strange sound.

Farmer:What is that sound?

It sounds like a birdcry.

It must be in danger.

I must go and help.

The Farmer follows the cry.

Farmer:Where is that cry coming from?

Eagle:Over here, sir.

Please come quickly.

Please, help me.I am trapped.

Farmer:There you are!

I found you at last!

Poor bird.Are you okay?

Please wait.I will get you out.

Eagle:Please hurry!

My wings hurt.

The Farmer tries his best.  He cuts the net with his knife.

Farmer:I’m almost done.

There are you

The net is cut.

You are free now. Fly away.

The Eagle is freed from the net, but he doesn't fly away.He is injured.

Eagle:I cant move.

My wings hurt.Boo-hoo-hoo.

Farmer:Don't cry.What’s the matter, Eagle?

Are you hurt?Oh, your wings!

Don't worry.I’ll take care of you.

You will fly again.


I can’t believe it.

You’re not going to eat me?

The Farmer takes the Eagle to his house.He takes good care of the Eagle.

Farmer:You are getting better every day.

You’ll be able to fly soon.

Eat this, it’s very delicious.

Eagle:You are a kind man.

I will never forget your kindness.

The Eagle is almost well.But the Farmer’s neighbors hear about the Eagle and tell the Farmer to sell it.

Neighbor:I hear you have an Eagle.

Farmer:Why yes, how did you know?

Neighbor:What are you going to do with it?

Farmer:Let it go, of course.

Neighbor:You must be kidding!

Eagle meat is good medicine.

You should eat it.

Neighbor2: No, no,don't do that.

Eagles are worth a lot of money.

You should sell it and get a good price.

Neighbor:That’s right.

Farmer:Thanks for the advice.

But I’m going to let it go.


Nieghbor2: He must be crazy.

The neighbors can’t understand the Farmer.They leave the house.A few days later, the Eagle’s wings are cured.

Farmer:Okay, Eagle.Flap your wings.

Try to fly a little.

Yes, thats it!Very good.

Now you can fly again.

Eagle:My wings don't hurt anymore.

I can really fly again.

Thank you, Farmer.

The Eagle flies away.

Farmer:Look at it fly!

What a beautiful bird!

Weeks pass and the Farmer forgets about the Eagle.The Farmer is tired today and decides to take a nap. Helies down on the grass next to a big, high wall.The Eagle sees the Farmer.

Eagle:Get up, Farmer!Quickly!

The Eagle flaps his wings hard.The Farmer hears it and wakes up.

Farmer:Oh, hello there, Eagle.

How have you been?

Are your wings okay?

But you look worried.Whats wrong?

Eagle:I must warm him.

What can I do?I know!

Then suddenly, the Eagle snatches the Farmer’s hat.

Farmer:Hey,give it back!

What are you doing?

Come back!

Eagle:He’s following me.

That’s good.

It’s safe over there.

I’ll drop the hat there.

The eagle drops the Farmer’s hat far away from the wall.The Farmer picks it up.

Farmer:Naughty, Eagle.Why did you do that?

Suddenly the old wall tumbles down.

Farmer:Oh my goodness!Look at that!

I could have been hurt.

Now I understand.

Thanks, Eagle.You saved my life.

You are the king of all birds.



If you are kind to someone, he will someday repay you.





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