The results are predictable

2022-03-31 14:17:0102:39 8

MANY BUSINESS RESEARCHERS, consultants,and writers create and sell us static views— snapshots—of technologies, companies, and markets. The snapshots describe at a specific point in time the characteristics and practices of successful companies versus struggling ones; or of executives who are performing better and of those who are not at the time of the snapshot.Explicitly or implicitly, they then assert that if you want to perform as well as the best- performing ones, you should follow what the best companies and the best executives do.The snapshots tell us about those that are ahead and behind in the race.But they tell us little about how they got there. Nor do they tell us what is likely to happen in the future to those in the snapshots.
My colleagues, my students, and I have eschewed the profession of photography. Instead we are making “movies” of management.These are not,however,typical movies that you might see at a theater,where you see fiction that was conceived in the minds of the producers and screenwriters.The unusual movies that we're making at Harvard are the “theories”that we summarize in this book. They describe what causes things to happen,and why. These theories com- pose the “plots” in these movies. In contrast to the movies in a theater that are filled with suspense and surprise, the plots of our movies are perfectly predictable. You can replace the actors in our movies— different people, companies, and industries— and watch the movie again. You can choose the actions that these actors take in the movie. Be- cause the plots in these movies are grounded in theories of causality,however, the results of these actions are perfectly predictable.

