2-11-P108 Diets

2017-09-22 07:37:4305:17 162

2-11-P108-0-1 Henry had his yearly checkup today. 

2-11-P108-0-2 The doctor told him he's a little too heavy and put him on this diet. 

2-11-P108-0-3 You must eat less bread, fewer cookies, less candy, and fewer potato chips. 

2-11-P108-0-4 Also, you must eat more fish, more vegetables, and more fruit.

2-11-P108-1-1 Shirley also had her annual checkup today. 

2-11-P108-1-2 The doctor told her she's a little too heavy and put her on this diet. 

2-11-P108-1-3 She must eat less fatty meat, fewer potatoes, less rice, and fewer rich desserts. 

2-11-P108-1-4 Also, she must eat more lean meat, more grapefruit, and more green vegetables.

2-11-P108-2-1 Arthur was worried about his heart. 

2-11-P108-2-2 He went to his doctor for an examination, and the doctor told him to eat fewer fatty foods. 

2-11-P108-2-3 He must eat less butter, fewer eggs, less cheese, and less ice cream. 

2-11-P108-2-4 Also, he must eat more margarine and more yogurt, and he must drink more skim milk.

2-11-P108-3-1 Buster went to the vet yesterday for his yearly checkup. 

2-11-P108-3-2 The vet told him he's a little too heavy and put him on this diet. 

2-11-P108-3-3 He must eat less fatty meat and fewer dog biscuits. 

2-11-P108-3-4 Also, he must eat more lean meat, and he must drink more water.







简介:兼容并包,思想自由~古老校训历久弥新,发人深省、催人奋进。思想之美,乃教育之灵魂,而网络时代帮助我们进入更高境界,为思想赋予节奏和音韵之美,充满热情地大声吟诵出来,然后竖起小耳朵,重新认识和体验思想的精髓。最终我们一定会收获颇丰:亲切感油然而生,不知不觉中让思想内化。自由之花绽放,思想之美激荡 喜马连着我和你,Amy爱你在这里,安静温暖的声音,邻家姐妹般贴心 如也威仪本寂静,非真妙有且修行