The adventures ofTom sawyer4.5

2022-04-04 22:55:5202:43 332
所属专辑:English little story
Sabbath-school hours were from nine to half-past ten; and then church service. Two of the children always remained for the sermon(布道) voluntarily, and the other always remained too -- for stronger reasons. The church's high-backed(高背的), uncushioned (无坐垫的)pews(长椅) would seat about three hundred persons; the edifice (大厦)was but a small, plain affair(很朴素的东西), with a sort of pine board tree-box on top of it for a steeple(尖顶). At the door Tom dropped back a step and accosted(搭讪) a Sunday-dressed comrade:

"Say, Billy, got a yaller ticket?"

"What'll you take for her?"

"What'll you give?"
"piece of lickrish(糖) and a fish-hook(鱼钩)."
"Less see 'em."

Tom exhibited(展示). They were satisfactory, and the property changed hands(财产转手). Then Tom traded a couple of white alleys for three red tickets, and some small trifle(少量) or other for a couple of blue ones. He waylaid(拦路,拦截) other boys as they came, and went on buying tickets of various colors ten or fifteen minutes longer. He entered the church, now, with a swarm of (一大群)clean and noisy boys and girls, proceeded to his seat ( 走到他的座位上)and started a quarrel with the first boy that came handy(离他最近的男孩). The teacher, a grave(朴素的,庄严的), elderly man, interfered(调停,干预); then turned his back a moment and Tom pulled a boy's hair in the next bench, and was absorbed in his book when the boy turned around; stuck a pin(别针) in another boy, presently, in order to hear him say "Ouch!" and got a new reprimand(谴责,惩戒) from his teacher. Tom's whole class were of a pattern -- restless, noisy, and troublesome.

