Unit 30 Dreams

2022-04-07 08:48:1701:05 31

All people dream during their sleep, according to some doctors and psychologists. We probably do not remember our dreams very often, but that doesn’t mean we do not dream. As a matter a fact, we dream almost every night. Sometimes we even have more than one dream in a single night. Most of our dreams, however, come and go without our knowledge. This is because we can only remember part of our dreams when we are about to wake up.

Not all our dreams have meanings. A high percentage of our dreams are nonsense. But some of our dreams seem to have something to say. That’s why many people enjoy having their dreams interpreted. General speaking, a good dream may stand for one of our unfulfilled desires. A bad dream may warn us about our health problems or a possible danger. Whatever they may convey, dreams are with us every night.

