refocusing around my family

2022-04-07 11:52:0701:41 4
When I walked into his office,I was thinking only about the lives of graduating MBA students.When I emerged an hour or so later, I was thinking about my own.
Every question Clay asked, every theory he discussed, resonated with me. As I've reviewed the transcript of our original conversation in the months since then, I can see the discussion peppered with my own evolving thoughts.Was I actually allocating my resources to the things that mattered most to me? Did I have a strategy for my life?Did I have a purpose? How would I measure my life?
I stood in the parking lot of HBS a few hours later and knew I didn't like my answers to those questions.Since then, I have changed almost everything about my life with the goal of refocusing around my family.I resigned from Harvard Business Review in the spring of 2011 with the good wishes of my colleagues and have spent the months since then balancing writing this book with Clay and James and being truly present in the moments of my own life- and more important, in the lives of my husband and daughters. I haven't regretted a single decision I've made since the day I first left Clay's office.

