The adventures ofTom sawyer4.7

2022-04-08 22:22:3903:08 345
所属专辑:English little story
In due course(在特定的时候) the superintendent stood up in front of the pulpit(讲坛,布道坛), with a closed(合上的) hymn-book(赞美诗书) in his hand and his forefinger(食指) inserted(插入) between its leaves, and commanded attention. When a Sunday-school superintendent makes his customary(习惯的,习俗的) little speech, a hymn-book in the hand is as necessary as is the inevitable(必然的,不可避免的) sheet of music(乐谱) in the hand of a singer who stands forward on the platform(讲台,舞台) and sings a solo(独唱,独奏) at a concert -- though why, is a mystery: for neither the hymn-book nor the sheet of music is ever referred to by the sufferer. This superintendent was a slim creature of thirty-five, with a sandy goatee(山羊胡子) and short sandy(沙滩色) hair; he wore a stiff (僵直的)standing-collar(立领) whose upper edge almost reached his ears and whose sharp points curved(弯成弧形)) forward abreast(并排,并肩) the corners of his mouth -- a fence that compelled(强迫) a straight lookout ahead(直视前方), and a turning of the whole body when a side view was required; his chin was propped(支持) on a spreading cravat(男士领结) which was as broad and as long as a bank-note(银行票据), and had fringed(具有流苏的,毛边的)) ends; his boot toes(靴子头) were turned sharply up, in the fashion of the day, like sleigh-runners(雪橇运动员) -- an effect patiently and laboriously (艰苦地,费力地)produced by the young men by sitting with their toes pressed against a wall for hours together. Mr. Walters was very earnest(非常认真的) of mien(仪表,神态), and very sincere and honest at heart; and he held sacred things(神圣的东西) and places in such reverence(尊敬), and so separated them from worldly matters(世俗的事物), that unconsciously(未意识到) to himself his Sunday-school voice had acquired a peculiar(特有的) intonation(语调) which was wholly absent on week-days.



