The Foot Book关于脚的书

2017-10-01 14:35:2805:40 1697

The Foot Book

Left foot, left foot, right foot, right .

Feet in the morning, feet at night.

Left foot, left foot, left foot, right.

Wet foot, dry foot, low foot,high foot.

Front feet, back feet, redfeet, black feet.

Left foot, right foot, Feet Feet Feet,

How many, many feet you meet.

Slow feet, quick feet, trick feet,sick feet.

Up feet, down feet, here comeclown feet.

Small feet, big feet, here come pig feet.

His feet, her feet, fuzzy fuzzy fur feet.

In the house, and on thestreet,

How many, many feet you meet.

Up in the air feet, over a chair feet.

More and more feet, twenty-four feet.

Here come more and more...and more feet!

Left foot, right foot.

Feet. Feet. Feet.

Oh, how many feet you meet!

